
“hold my warm beer”

I had  72 Ford pickup that I drove from WI to AZ, no tailgate and a cable to hold the sides of the bed in place. Still, that 300 6 cyl  was a beast that would not die. I sold to a guy who was going to use it for his firewood business. Still much cheaper than renting a moving van. Ah, to be 22 and fearless again!

They call it “editing” /s

My first 7-8 cars were sketchy as F, but the one with the most anxiety was my 1964 Falcon Club Wagon. Amateur engine rebuild, brakes, clutch, and everything else I needed to fix on a junkyard salvage title van. I took off from AZ for WI in January, 3 weeks out of emergency appendectomy surgery. The driver was just as

Keep in mind, with regard to “light truck sales” that the SUV (and even the 4-door pickup) is the cultural heir to the station wagon and mini-van. They have become, in many cases the jack of all trades vehicle that can fulfill every function needed by the 21st century family.

For a quick moment I thought an ice storm had hit the Detroit Sno-Bronco.

Agreed on your first sentence. I don’t mind multi-day road trips, I grew up in the “way-back” of the family station wagon that serviced all but one of my childhood vacations. And yes, we broke in the middle of nowhere Colorado and had to wait a day for parts to come from Denver in the pre-cell phone days. Good luck on

I’d love to be able to drive to Florida this year, my last trip down there got cut short.

My last overseas trip was Dublin in 2019, with several days of bus trips around the island.

Heathen! Heretic! Blasphemer!

Did any manufacturers provide a name for their vehicle? NGDV seems no sillier than “LLV” (even though that moniker has proven surprisingly accurate!)

Perhaps not all LLVs will be replaced with this vehicle? My mail is delivered to a community mail room in my building by an LLV. There is no need for this, as the delivery person drives from the post office to the building. He does his final sort in our mail room. My mail could be delivered with any cargo van or

Egads, this cries out for a Fancy Kristen byline.:(


The USPS coined the term Next Generation Delivery Vehicle, not Oshkosh.

The actual number is much smaller:

These are all perfectly reasonable suggestions!! Are we becoming “The Drive” now? Not one JDM recco? No ridiculous Paos or Nissan S Cargo Vans?

Then Apple uses one of your songs in a commercial, royalties flow like wine and you blow it all to resurrect the car of your glory days.

I bought a set of Falken tires 1 1/2 years ago and have been quite happy. They are quieter on the road than the original Goodyears and didn’t let me down on my winter trip to Green Bay. But with enough WI winters behind me in very crappy RWD vans, I learned a bit about winter driving.