Maxine Shaw, attorney at LOL

I feel the same way about my mother. I felt that way about my father too until he sincerely apologized (after I refused to Susan to him for two years) and actively worked to make amends for his actions. My mother though? She's gonna ride that "I was the best mom ever" train until death I'm sure.

yeah, mine points to the fact that we had TVs in our room, a roof over our head and food in our bellies as proof of her being a great mother. And also, after she beat us she would describe how lucky we were because her father would have done "so much worse"! Wow. thanks mom. i havent seen her in two years. I hope she

Wasn't it Agatha Christie who said "Every murderer is someone's old friend?"

Until those two boys kill themselves, the scale is not balanced.


I am *desperate* for JK Simmons to win an Oscar. I love him in everything, even those insurance commercials. ANd Dr. Emil Skoda is my L&O therapist crush (sorry, Dr. Olivet!).

Kenya Moore and Nene Lekes are two of the meanest women in television..maybe in the whole world. Nene is at the top of the list, of course. (No one is meaner than Nene, not even Phaedra Parks.)

From John Blanford's Bio on Heroic Media.

And it's pretty obvious you didn't even bother to Google me. Grew up in South Florida (Broward and Palm Beach counties). Worked at the Miami Herald for seven and a half years. Been on enough boats to know to wear a life jacket in case stuff like this happens. Spent plenty of nights on the phone with the U.S. Coast

Ladies and gentleman, I give you the tale of Saint Basil Fuckoff, the patron saint of waiters and bartenders.

Regarding the logic of the rule (as opposed to whether it was properly called), please explain how Dez Bryant on a catch is able to hold the ball long enough to take three steps (even if he is going to the ground) and not be considered as having possession, but Josh Cribbs catching a punt can hold it for less than a


Best way do load a dishwasher? Don't. Much easier to just wash, dry, & put stuff away.

Whitlock need to decide which side he wants to offend and stick to it. This is what happens when u play the black respectability game to curry favor. U forget what side of your mouth you're speaking out of.

One of my dorm neighbors in college once screamed the N word through the wall because we'd asked him to be quiet. I, being of brownness, reported this to my RA as I no longer felt safe with a drunk angry dude hurling slurs next door. Turns out he was just saying it, he had no idea who was beyond the wall. They asked

She said specifically that they worked on their kids' behavior for several months. So they tried that first and it apparently wasn't enough, so they had to go bigger to make a point. And really, it's barely a punishment in my book. Oh nooo her kids didn't get presents that they're in no way entitled to and instead had

what these parents are doing is fine. I know this is shocking....but parents DO make mistakes. Maybe they let stuff get out of hand and now they pay the price by dealing with it. And this is how they deal with it. It sounds like the kids have all they need and will still be celebrating. Nothing bad will come from

Okay, I felt like I was in crazy town reading this. Why are we supposed to hate on these parents for trying to correct bad behavior? Not getting presents at Christmas isn't abuse and even if lax parenting is the cause of entitlement, why can't parents try to change? Not giving their kids junk they'll forget about in a

Yeah, I don't get the outrage. Your kids are brats, so you're trying to emphasize community building over materialism. Oh no ...