Maxine Shaw, attorney at LOL

CASUALTY!? TS Madison didn’t mind Khia’s anti-LGBT attitude when it was putting coins in HER pocket. They’re both trash.

I went and checked - Janet has two for music, two for videos and a joint video win w/Michael. Again, that goes to show much harder our artists have to work than the others to get the shine we deserve. If I’m reading this right, Whitney “The Voice” Houston only has seven, and she had to fucking DIE for one of them.

The fact that Beyonce remade Rhythm Nation/.janet and Velvet Rope and constantly gets her ass kissed makes me cackle with Glee every time she shows up to get her face cracked. She wants AOTY soooooo bad. Girl, stay home and stop boosting their ratings. Hell, Control lost to Graceland for AOTY and I don’t think we’ve

Puerto Ricans don’t even fuck with Bruno Mars like black people do.

I’m so glad to see how angry the parents are. I’ve always said that too many people mistake “the Vatican” for Catholics. Most Catholics I know (myself included) couldn’t give two shits whether someone else is gay, and CERTAINLY not an outstanding teacher. There’s been a hard push of “progressive Catholics”, largely to

Who cares? You’re exactly the kind of white ally we neither want nor need. Take your bleeding mayo friends with you when you go.

You were able to get through more than one!?!?

+5 for the word “craven”

MICE!?!??! I’ll go after a spider or a roach like a Zulu in the bushes, but I will call my dad to dump a dead mouse out of a $50 electric trap.

Now playing

“I told them she wasn’t there,” Walls told the Daily News. “They asked to come in, I said sure — because I have nothing to hide.”

“Hussy” also needs to make a comeback.

She’s been the Great Mayo Hope since day one. Trash.

With this (supposedly) being the last game in the series, I guess the mystery of the Outsider doesn’t really matter anymore.

I’ve ALWAYS called her a bad actress. She has two facial expressions: pouty and blank.

It’s you.

Still bitter that Venus lost, but Looks like the future of tennis is just as black as the present. (Don’t tell Madison I called her black, though - she’ll pitch a fit.)

Totally Not racist expectations of athletic prowess? Check.

I’m waaaay more disappointed that it’s Kid from Kid N’ Play. What would Sheneneh say!?!?!?

ESPECIALLY since Serena will be out for probably another six months, if not more. Gotta give our Great Blonde Hope as much help as she can get!