Maxine Shaw, attorney at LOL

Ah, hell. That’s what they taught me in Texas History. That shit was LITERALLY in the fucking book, describing native genocide as “inevitable”. And this was a college class!

Two words: digital codes.

That reminds me of one of the Ramona books where she tells her parents to turn on the dawnzer because it gives a lee light.

My parents did the same thing with the Super Nintendo for Christmas. Damn, I think I just dated myself!

Same. I think the gift-giving is sweet, but I wish there had been a way to do this without stressing him out so badly during the first few minutes.

<i>Kids have rights now.</i>

The better part of me has much, MUCH better things to struggle over than this guy. He has not a drop of remorse and honesty and truly believes himself to be a victim. He will NEVER be a fucking asset to society. Kill the bastard.

Wishing rape on a rapist is...perfectly okay with me. Fuck that guy.

She’s quick to call a black woman a nappy headed ho in a heartbeat. Fuck her. And this is from a HUUUGE (former) fan.

You’d be amazed at how many people - men OR women - will hand their child to a total stranger to take to the restroom. I used to hate doing it at work - and straight up, your kid is going to drip dry under those conditions. Outside of my job? Sorry, but no. I’m not handling your child.

WHELP. I sat through it so you guy didn’t have to, and I’ll say this. The fact that the move refers to Mississippi Goddam as “Mississippi” is all you need to know. My ears are offended. My SOUL is offended. And I am so confused.

Ah, hell. I wouldn’t be surprised if Bey paid Rachel to write that shit.

It’s intersectionism - the double whammy of being both black and female, and being marginalized and talked down to by both groups to champion their causes. Lots and lots and lots of material out there about it.

Ah, but the opposite is true as well. I can’t figure out why it’s okay for Beyonce to call out a side chick, but the side chick is not allowed to respond. Especially since Beyonce is seen cuddling next to and still supporting her community peen! Beyonce clapped, so why can’t Rachel back? (Though God knows she

I think the youngins that are pumping their fist for everything Beyonce need to hear that their idol’s feminism ain’t all there.

And the absentee fathers thing has been debunked to hell and back, too. Not married != absentee.

People do scream “you hate your father” to Black women...

But we’re not eating the same sandwich. Same bread, maybe. Same sandwich? No.

Stop worshiping frauds.