Maxine Shaw, attorney at LOL

Can we all shed a tear for the poor, poor sexual predator? *eyeroll*

I agree with you. My question is this: when are we as a people going to wake the fuck and see this lame-ass defense as what it is? When you don’t have anything else, this the go-to. Why does it almost always seem to work?

Now playing

Cock and Mind might be the name of my band (replacing Hot Cheetos and Semen)

I was listing to a sex therapist explaining that “forced submission” is better term for rape fantasies. Made a lot of sense to me.

Are you asking me the question?

Black people have a right to attend whatever schools they want, I know. But I went to an HBCU, so it’s hard not to shrug and say “tough shit.” They don’t like you. They’ve made it crystal clear. So what the fuck are you crying about?

Now playing

Say what you want about Ochocinco, but when that fool did the damned Riverdance after a TD, I grew to love his ass.

No, they’re not. They’re supposed to sit quietly until somebody white does it for them, then gets all the kudos and credit for being a progressive white person.

According to Barlowe, emotions were one-sided. And this, she says, was the precise problem—that after multiple accusations, complaints and petitions about racist incidents, it took a sit-down meeting for administrators to listen, and that even the students’ discernible pain in the room sparked no visceral empathy.

He did her a favor.

“nothing should be taken away from Holm’s perfomance”

(my graduate program included a special track for people that wanted to work in schools so that they could complete this requirement as part of the program)

And a lot of us didn’t get pay for student teaching, either. You could either get a one-year paid contract - which was very rare, so I hear - or a one-semester contract. Most people I know took the unpaid route (16 weeks).

Southern Methodist University

As long as she keeps shitting on black people, she’ll be fine. I’m just waiting on her to slip up and say something about Jewish people.

“Can you believe it?”

Sounds like the working relationship I’ve had with many, many, many whites. They love the fuck out of you as long as you’re an underling on the come-up. But once you become their equal, or even in the vague area of being equal? Whoooo, watch out. My mentor teacher loved me until she saw that my classes were 500s, not

Janet should have never been so contrite about it all when it was clearly blown out of proportion.

For those of us who can’t fathom gaming w/o a gamepad, how were you all able to get past that curled-up-on-the-couch way of playing? I could understand a keyboard if I was actually sitting at a computer, but I’m on a 48” monitor a good eight feet away from my couch and no table nearby. But people spend CRAZY loot on

More like this. (This truly isn’t much of an exaggeration. all.)