Maxine Shaw, attorney at LOL

Besides, she loved all of her girls. Even the ugly one.

I love how this was supposed to be some deep question. That laundry list just read like a checklist to me. "Yep...yep...uh-huh..."

No, damn it. NO. Why are white women so insistent in injecting themselves into EVERY FUCKING THING?

I totally agree. Tina Turner (THE Tina Turner!) worked as a sharecropper in her youth. She lived on the same property where her grandfather had been enslaved. After the war, there was nowhere else to go, so...yeah. That really struck a chord in me.

Nowadays color of skin means very little in my country

White women have had nearly 500 years to get their shit together, and they refuse to do so. Whatever started this beef - slavery, suffrage, the Big Bang Theory - should not be fueling their actions now. Yet it does, and unapologetically so.

I'm personally ready to change my username to FREEZE PEACH.

Most beautifulest thang I ever saw was on a pasty-ass dude straight out of Germany. Dude fucked like a BAWSE. Damn, I miss that dude's schnitzel.

It IS racist, and I'm LOLing - like I always do - at the people passionately defending racist language because it hits a little too close to home. Why, oh why won't we give these racists the benefit of the doubt?

Did he carve that guitar with a fucking butter knife?

I've had white friends tell me that they would never tell their white boyfriends that they dated black men. The sad thing is that I can't even get mad at them for not doing so.

Why is everyone so surprised about this race thing? This is exactly what black women read on Craigslist all the time. Seriously, go check CL right now, and you'll find about five ads right off the top that clearly and unapologetically say "no AA" or "no blacks". Doesn't matter the city OR gender. Had it not been

That...that's random as FUCK.

To be fair, you'd be amazed at how many people can't make mac and cheese.

We've brought back the high top/Gumby fade, acid jeans and Poetic Justice "homie" back in style, too? Any day now, I'm going to go to eBay and get some British Knights.

That's why I stopped playing the Dark Brotherhood quest in Skyrim. Yeah, I know it cuts off a good portion of the game, but killing random mofos for no reason lost its appeal after a while.

You're not my type, white boy.

Do you think that blacks in country could be as big as whites in hip-hop, if the talent was there? Because if you say yes, I'm going to take that as a sign to write you off entirely.

You are white. Only white people say "you assumed I was white." Only white people big up their POC family, using them as props in some bullshit internet argument. You people might be Greek or Italian or Spanish or some shit, but you're as white as wonder bread. There's no question about that.