Maxine Shaw, attorney at LOL

Do I still have to get off my horse to pick herbs?

I burst out laughing when I read that.

GodDAMN, are you still talking?

Whoever wrote that original Reddit post? Is my future soul mate.

I think if we want to discuss this seriously, we need to take it away from race. Too much emotion is tied to race, and race is not the determining factor here.

everyone has trouble with those

You just insulted me

The truth of the matter is that while you sat back and refused to take the risk of student loans, I took on student loans and worked a full time job while pursuing my career. I plain worked harder than you, and you will sit there and say I got where I did cause I'm a minority?

I'm not simply whining about it

the higher expectation of a white man

His language and stories and points are so typical of white people with their imaginary black references. What he's doing is picking up points from black conservatives and other random places and inserting them into the mouths of black people that have never existed in his universe. It's so obvious that it's sad. I

Because I'm a white male, I'm expected to do things I cannot.

I was turned down for financial aid and jobs because I was a white male

Lord, won't somebody please think of the poor white males in America!

racism and sexism against white men is very real

In conclusion, I can only assume you are either trolling, or just hopelessly new to RPGs altogether.


In one word? Yes.

Okay, contest is over!

I've played a shameful amount of Skyrim, and all I can think about is how much it reminds me of Diablo II.