Maxine Shaw

No, I mean when Taraji was having to run to the restroom because she could not use the restroom in the building where she worked, or when they made her drink from the colored coffee pot. Yeah, hilarious.

It was only for Christmas Day, IRC. It'll be nationwide on 1/6.

White people in my audience (AMC Northpark, Dallas) were LAUGHING at the bathroom scenes. It got nasty for a minute, with us shouting at them.

Wasn't 60% of Flop of a Nation's audience made of black women?

Just like they did for Queen of Katwe…oh, wait.

Not Garth Brooks!!! C'mon!!!

Well played, sir or m'aam!

It is through the lenses of wanting to remove that access to pain from their loved ones that their spirits are ignited. It’s hard for me to see that as a negative.

The white girl who was a one-night stand. Yet Storm and BP get a divorce despite knowing each other for like…20 years.

American courts don't find people "innocent." Not guilty != innocent.

Sir, I would like to have your babies.

I should've asked "Is LC's wife still white?" My bad.

LOL I meant Luke Cage. I don't even know the dude's name in this show.

Is his wife still white?

Can you believe that Fuhrman had the nerve to show up lamenting the loss of the chokehold? Dude's a psychopath.

I was an aide. No excuse on that one. You can get some good stuff at thrift stores - you just have to search for it. "Wah, she doesn't have time to!" Right, b/c she's too busy frontin' for the Gram. Priorities, people.

"They just mad at me cuz I'm cute!"
"I can't help it - I got curves!"
"They just jealous/fat/ugly!"

The minute you saw that girl, you KNEW she worked at a black school in a black neighborhood. You KNEW it. And that kills me.

So she got reprimanded. And? I got reprimanded once for buying alcohol on the weekend.