Maxine Shaw

…do we feel sympathy for Ellaria when Cersei murders her daughter, given that she murdered Myrcella for no good reason?

He also might have been thinking back to Olly. It never really sat right with me that he executed a(n obviously brainwashed) child, even though he was justified in doing so.

You better copyright this before John Singleton reads it!

I ain’t saying Melvin was a terrible person

He's a lost cause, fam. Let him go.

I would've been disappointed if/everybody was reunited (baby included) and lived happily-ever-after. We can suspend a lot of belief b/c of the inclusion of Harriet Tubman turning everybody into mini-Django badasses. But in real life, chances are that Rosalee would've never seen her brother or mother again. So I have


If Stine thought she could trust PM, she probably would not have served her the poisoned tea.

Did you leave the clips there?

Not any that I know. :)

Black parents do it in school too. Keep your damn belt in the car. This is my class, and it is a sanctuary. I'm not impressed. In fact, it explains a LOT.

What hurts me the most is when they call themselves bad. I always remind students that sometimes we made bad choices, but we're not bad people. Actually, I go out of my way not to use the word at all.

Hall and Oates might be top three. Average White Band tops them easily, followed closely by the Bee Gees.

(Like this is the best you could do…with EFFORT?!)

In fairness, Viola explained that they did that one scene 23 times. She always makes fun of her "snotty cry" as she descibed it in HTGAWM.

You know…when he didn't use that almanac money to spring for some sandwiches, that should've been the flag that ended this hotep hell. Live and learn.

I remember in high school when some girls got into a fight over Lil Wayne. Shit, I knew he was ugly even back then.

About as much as they did for Queen of Katwe.

And why are they always YELLING???

Actually, I'm pretty sure that the bagpipe-and-kilt crew wouldn't perform for him, either. The MORMONS are imploding over this, for crying out loud. It's the only silver lining in this incredibly dark cloud.