Maxine Shaw

Very much so. She's merely a teacher's aide. In most states, that requires nothing more than a high school diploma. Teachers, on the other hand, must have a minimum of a bachelor's degree and a buttload of education credits - if you don't have 'em, you go back to school to get 'em. Many districts (such as mine when I

Paraprofessional, i.e. "teacher's aide".

Educator of the Month = won the monthly email drawing. Come to the office to get your 1/2 off Sonic burger.

I believe they busted him out a janitor. Seems to be a pattern: if you're on IG more than you're in your classroom, you're probably fakin the funk.

*hand raise*

Trying to remember our dress code from public school…all our pants have to have a zipper, no sleeveless shirts, no leggings, no open-toed shows (OSHA regs)…basically nothing w/stretch material. No denim pants, either, unless it was Jeans Day. Since I'm tall and curvy, common sense applies on days like Field Day. Yes,

She was fooling everybody, apparently. Homegirl isn't a teacher - she's a para.

"Patrice Brown is an elementary school teacher in Atlanta."

Are her white co-workers still MIA?

My best friend (since freshman year of high school) became my Facebook friend with shit like this CONSTANTLY. She's a doctor married to an engineer. I'm a *private* school teacher, meaning I make about 30% less than public. Yet she doesn't think anything of me paying, say, $75 for some dress for her wedding that I'll

I had Cuban coffee in Miami, made by my bestie's 87-year-old Cuban grandmother. That's when I first knew what an orgasm felt like. Sadly, that was in 2004 and I have yet to fall asleep.

Everybody wants to praise the man who didn't join in, but…did he do anything after that? Try to get the girl out of there? Call the police? SHOVE a mofo?

Daaaag, Panama. I was ready to fight with you, but…chea. You're right. People are going to want to fight you because Michael is Michael and black people were too busy kissing Justin Timberlake's ass when Janet was being absolutely crucified, but…we're really going to compare Dangerous to Velvet Rope or .janet? Ever

I could use some tutorials on my two-handed backhand, for starters.

Can somebody please tell me why Serena keeps trying to twerk? Beloved…!

Kill me if you want to, but the DeBarges had the songwriting game on lock, and they are criminally underrated as instrumentalists (except Bunny, who is a criminally underrated vocalist). HOWEVER, we have to consider that the Jacksons spent the bulk of their careers as the J5, so they didn't have the creative freedom

Born and raised in Big D…cheaaaaaah. We don't do doors. And it's not uncommon to live next to your neighbors for 20 years and never meet them, ESPECIALLY if they wypipo.

To be fair about Tamir's caller, he *did* say that it was a kid and the gun was probably fake. The operator didn't pass that information on. Now CRAWFORD'S caller? That guy should never sleep again. Never.