Maxine Shaw

I'm so grateful I didn't grow in a "man before kids" household. In a sitch like this, who makes the plate solely depends on 1) who's hungry and 2) who's standing up. Until, of course, I got old enough to make plates.

How do you block people?

Too bad Emmy wasn't a man. Damon would've lost his mind.

So you DO equate "people" with "whiteness." Just what I thought.

I do feel some regret putting people in a situation like this.

This isn't a trick question. I don't agree with you, and no amount of tut-tutting and preaching is going to change my mind. Unlike you, I don't waste my time worrying and defending the poor, poor (usually white) oppressors of this world.


I see. In other words, we're giving toubabs credit for a bare minimum bit of humanity and doing what they're supposed to do in the first place. "Hey, I WAS killing Jews, but then I stopped!" And they say white privilege isn't real.

Slaves would've been better off if your pasty asses hadn't invaded African shores in the first place, since you want to take it there.

"At this point though you are making a judgment that any white person born into a position of wealth and power in a slave society is evil without the possibility of mitigation."


Are slaves not people? Because it seems to me when you talk about the good they did for people, you mean WHITE people.

Honestly, I don't even think his parents were mad when his ass died.

I'm inclined to agree. I can't imagine any reason why Kunta would've been allowed to live with no repercussions (other than, y'know…that whole slavery thing). Yet the old man who was right next to him was one of the four who were beheaded. So was his uncle Silla, and I don't even remember him being in the battle!

Uh…no. No, it's not.

This is so true. I can see where Roots was so powerful nearly 40 years ago, but as a whole, it hasn't aged well a-tall. Only the performances were superior. The material? Not so much.

Right up until it's born and she's found wearing cement Loubs. If she hadn't been pregnant, Cookie would've pushed her ass right off that balcony.

I am DESPERATE to find that meme that says something like "when your stud auntie shows up to Thanksgiving dinner with her date" and it's Taraji and Yazz.

It ain't even right for a man to be that fine. Grace Gealey already won the generic lottery, and now she's married to that fine, sexy summummumabitch. I know life ain't fair and all, but DAYUM.

I don't think the writers forget about the Nation; I think Lucious's ass just lied. As usual.