I thought the Brits didn’t really celebrate Halloween the way we do. Maybe they do now, another American tradition that has migrated.
I thought the Brits didn’t really celebrate Halloween the way we do. Maybe they do now, another American tradition that has migrated.
I don’t think we’re exactly arguing with each other here. I said the Royal Family (and her own family, and her “friends”) could have done things differently. I think I knew about the bulimia but never heard about the BPD diagnosis.
Sue also is in the church choir. I assume she and Emma are Presbyterian. I don’t know why, but Emma looks very Presbyterian.
I think “severe mental health issues” is pushing it a little bit.
Pat in that top photo is wearing an amazing outfit. I wonder who designed it.
I wonder if Emma is active in her church and this photo was taken on a Monday. I can see Emma doing a big bake for the after-service social (where she is in fierce competition with Sue over who makes the superior hot cross buns) and brought in the leftovers for the office to enjoy. You can see she’s saying “Good…
Wait, now I’m correcting myself. I think Tor in this case is short for Torre, which means tower and would make more sense. So the castle has a cheese tower. Why is anyone’s guess, but when in Rome...
It’s too bad you don’t speak Italian because:
That was my thought. Who better to be the voice of the forgotten than one of the forgotten?
There’s something off about this whole story. Diana was married to the heir to the throne. If I were her, to take my revenge, I would say to my “wicked stepmother,” “From here on out you will address me by my formal title”, and here it is, according to wiki:
I admire Jennifer Aniston because according to the tabloids she’s been pregnant for about 202 months straight, sometimes WITH TWINS, and yet she remains child-free. Sort of like the Immaculate Conception in reverse.
And Samuel Jackson made these comments at the opening of Tyler Perry’s Atlanta studios. I wonder if Martin Scorcese and/or Francis Ford Coppola have/has anything to say about the wildly successful Madea franchise. Maybe they could speculate about the kind of person who enjoys Madea movies. I like them very much, and…
I’ve seen walkway bricks inscribed with people’s names, it’s a fairly cheap fundraising device when some institution is putting in a new path or “terrace.” Although it seems like a strange way to commemorate someone. “May you walk on this person’s name for many years to come!”
I think the anachronisms are part of the charm of the whole Star Wars enterprise.
It’s 2019. No meeting. Just a terse, misspelled text with an emoji or two thrown in.
My mother was an avid obituary reader and no man’s doormat. She was reading the newspaper one day and I, her son who was about 7 or 8, happened to be with her. She read, “Sister Joseph of the Order of Our Lady’s Sorrows, 93. Do you know why Catholic nuns live forever? It’s because they don’t have to put up with men.”
She should go all in and become a born again Christian pastor. A Joel Osteen for the new generation.
Maybe she’s a little hungover and if so she had a much more fun weekend than I did. I worked. From home, but still. :(
I once heard a story about Jakie’s publishiing tenure and will share a well-known observation:
Good luk with the holiday scheduling. Holiday travel is the absolute worst when attempted by train or bus.