Maxine Floeffler

And that whole outfit is a little too “Flower Drum Song,” the Rogers and Hammerstein musical that is almost never performed.

I was a gofer for a connected DC law firm in the 80s and used to go to Capitol Hill all the time. The laws don’t apply to them. Everyone used to smoke but it was the 80s so the 90s non-smoking laws didn’t really apply, but I’d be offered hard alcohol at 11 AM on a Tuesday morning (this was bipartisan, D and R were

Can you possibly ask to be laid off, rather than quit? That way you might get severance, and my severance included health care coverage for a while. I didn’t ask to be laid off but they basically paid me and a few other folk to go away so we did pretty well for ourselves…

Is Justin Trudeau eight feet tall?

The usual but I saw two Raphaels from Ninja Turtles. Hasn’t that been around for like 20 or 30 years? Kids are still into that?

Good God, where do you live? They’ve been doing Rocky Horror audience participation showings since the 1970s. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that the people on the International Space Station did one for Halloween.

I agree with Tina here but I would also add that the drinks/appetizers place be a little crowded but not mobbed, and “buzzy” but not deafening. That will lessen the self-consciousness of it.

The only candy I’ve ever gotten sick from were circus peanuts. Luckily for me they’re almost impossible to find today because even that styrofoamy smell makes me nauseous., forty years later.

The thing is COBRA is really expensive. The great benefit used to be that they had to insure you but under Obamacare all the other plans do too. When I got booted out of my company I went on COBRA and it was over $600 a month for me alone and I’m a healthy, although middle-aged, guy who goes to the doctor once a year

Maybe Egypt is one of those countries with a very low tax compliance rate, to the point where people don’t even realize they’re supposed to pay them? A lot of countries also exempt people in certain occupations from paying taxes. Doctors and schoolteachers are common ones, I think. As for foreigners paying for

Doesn’t your accountant bear some kind of financial liabilty for this? In the US (Jezebel seems to attract a lot of non US citizens, which makes it all the more interesting and lively! So I’m not automatically assuming you’re American) at the bottom of the Federal return you sign and your preparer also signs. There

I learned that lesson the hard way. When I was still in my early 20s I was on a really crowded NYC subway car and attempted to give up my seat to a woman whom I assumed was pregnant. I didn’t say, “Oh please, sit down, you’re pregnant” but somehow she knew that’s what I was thinking and she gave me a nasty look and

He might do it for free, at least until his daughters have children of their own, should they ever.

I can get my dog to wear sweaters and booties and all kinds of stuff but he won’t let me put on these antlers I got for him to wear during our Christmas party. I can just imagine his reaction to a Papal mitre. You must share your secret as to how you got your adorable dog to embrace millinery.

True, but I think Barbara Bush wore Doc Martens. Or maybe I dreamed that after taking advantage of the two-for-one absinthe special at my local den of ill repute.

I can’t love the Obamas more but have you taken a gander at the new First Couple of Canada?

Oh, so those are like our $2 bills or $1 coins. They exist but you never see them. The last time I was in Britain I got some 2 pound (I don’t know how to make the pound sign on my American keyboard) coins, I guess I should have held onto them.

I want to live in the Dakota. Not with an elderly crazy person like Yoko but maybe somewhere on a different elvator bank.

This is absolutely true. In ye olden days when you paid for subway tokens or put coins into fare boxes on buses pennies were legally forbidden. Why we haven’t abolished the penny mystifies me. In Britain they have a 2-pound coin, which is worth about $3. It’s like we’re living in Italy before the introduction of the

This is not an attack but you’re Canadian, aren’t you? You said North America, which is something only a Canadian would say. When we Americans express a viewpoint we do it as Americans; Canadians do it as “North Americans.” [I am of Canadian descent and may be returning to the ancestral homeland sooner rather than