Maxine Floeffler

Just out of curiosity what are the ticket prices in London? In New York Book of Mormon was booked up months in advance after it swept the Tonys but a friend really wanted to see it. Mezzanine seats were $410 a piece. She might have used a ticket brokerage. I saw it and was underwhelmed, and I didn’t care for the AIDS

OK, it’s the Day After the VMAs and you must follow up with After-After Party stories. It’s 7:15 AM here on the East Coast and you’re probably still there! Get some sleep and report back anything you can remember.

Yes, it’s actually not much different than a McDonald’s or a Starbucks. Instead of standing in front of a teller’s window you’re sitting in front of one, in your car.

1990s Internet really was the best in a way. For one thing advertising was almost non-existent, remember AOL sent you those diskettes in the mail, they didn’t advertise on anyone’s website.

I’ve actually taken the bus in LA, out of curiosity. It was perfectly fine, going from one upscale neighborhood to another (actually I was traversing LA going between two other cities, Beverly Hills to Santa Monica and back again along Santa Monica Blvd.) I’ve also taken Amtrak in and out of LA. Problem is once you


So adorable. Every time we get a dog s/he must be larger than the last. We now have a black Lab who’s up to about 75 pounds. Unfortunately for us he’s a very cuddly dog so we sometimes get unwanted 3 AM Heimlich maneuvers when he wants to curl up on one of our chests. Our next four-legged friend might be a miniature

I did not realize you had rent stabilization. I live in Manhattan. You haven’t been able to get a one-bedroom here for $1700 since about 1995. I’m exaggerating but not by much.

Ths year I’m going to go as Prince Harry The Lionhearted!

Can’t watch that movie often enough. Always with a drink in hand of course.

I was shocked to learn only a couple of years ago that LA has zoning laws. I love LA and hope to live there some day but it would not surprise me to learn that there’s a heavy metals recycling facility behind the school, or a shooting range, or a free-range home for crocodiles. A friend of mine in LA used to live in

Oh, Angelfire! Did you set up a GeoCities homesite or whatever those pages were called?

My brother was an early adopter to the Internet and email, to the point where he has one of those AOL accounts that is just a string of numbers. He has a 20+-year history now, God knows how many contacts and tens of thousands of emails sent and responded to. He’s not giving that up.

Maybe your dog was put off by the audio synching, where the intro guy seems to have been dubbed into English from a foreign language. Godzilla movies from the 1950s had better lip-synching.

So great. That tongue is like the size of my hand. Is your dog particularly elderly or does she just kind of be like this?

I would not expect corgis to be chill (the ones I’ve known have been pretty excitable around other dogs) but I would think they’d be good around horses. Isn’t that why the Queen has like 800 of them, because they go on hunts?

So adorable. We went to the dog run this morning. I want to live at the dog run. I will sleep on the wood chips and bathe in the public fountain and do general cleanup work just so my hound and I can be around all the dogs all the time.

I will have to seek out Singaporean fusion restaurants. I only asked about your lab visitors because we have a black Lab retriever and I thought you had canines visiting you who couldn’t make up their minds about what kind of food they’d like to eat!

I think one of our best was when someone found a Barbara Cartland romance novel in a public trash barrel and brought it to a dinner I hosted. Since Barbara Cartland was somehow related to Princess Diana we decided to read from it as if we were members of the British Royal Family. I don’t know why the British Royal

Whip out the BJs or Costco card (we have both; no Sam’s Club for us) and the gates of paradise await.