So sad. But if they love each other there’s more to life than fucking like 20-year-olds.
So sad. But if they love each other there’s more to life than fucking like 20-year-olds.
They’re few and far between (maybe non-existent at this point) unless you are able to buy your way in. Ironically “anchor babies” have the most options because some countries have these “birthright return” policies or whatever they call it, whereby if your parent/grandparent, depending on the country, was born in that…
Do you remember last April reading about the four Swedish cops on vacation in New York who broke up a really vicious fight on the subway? They had no weapons, no one was killed, peaceably subdued. Lonely Planet should start organizing peacekeeping missions.
I was at a wedding once and the father of the groom, whom I had never met, and I got talking at one of the liquor stations. He had had prostate surgery the year before and woefully told me all the tricks and things he and his wife had to do so that they’d both be satisfied sexually.
This doesn’t really count but it’s kind of related.
Ooops, my mistake. I kind of half-watched the episode and only because I always liked it when the Enterprise folks visit earth. There’s a great one from the original series where Kirk and Spock visit 1930s Chicago (I think it was.)
I think he’s supposed to be French Canadian. Isn’t there an episode where he visits the family farm back on Earth?
I feel stupid for even asking this but who’s the woman?
LOVED I, Claudius. Did you ever read the book? And there’s a sequel, Claudius the God, chronicling Claudius’s tenure as Emperor, which is equally awesome.
Best anthem ever (well, second only to Joni Mitchell’s “California.”)
I’ll have to do the email thing. I write the keys down on Post-It notes but then go through these manic “this desk is a mess!” episodes and see something written sideways on a note that says, “Call X on Monday re: Y” and toss them. And I’m constantly rebooting my system and for some reason kinja doesn’t save anything…
It’s a refence to Thomas Pynchon’s Bleeding Edge. I’ve had like 100 Gawker burner accounts but I keep losing my keys so I keep having to start all over again.
I’m a big guy and I’ve only worn women’s clothing once in my life, to a Halloween party (I’m a 26, apparently, because of my height and my shoulders.) I had to empty out my entire sock drawer to fill out the chest part of the dress I was wearing. I could have put in a couple of six packs and some Chipotle burritos…
Do you live near the one on the main highway that leads into NH from MA? That place was amazing, but I haven’t been in years. I think they used to sell maple sugar candy too? They might as well just tuck a diabetes referral into every shopping bag.
And save money while they’re at it. Is any visit to NH complete without a stop at one of those tax-free state-run liquor stores?
She might be Barbara Bush’s niece. Kennebunkport is not far away.
Apparently when it comes to Popes they all look alike to me.
What’s worse for me is my mother bought it for me and I was a senior in high school. #noshame #thanksmom
Oh no, that’s what he’s saying, Presbyterian, I just used to live near Marble Collegiate and had a friend who was an organist there so he had to explain to me what a “collegiate” church was (they rotate the ministers) and that Trump was a parishioner. It’s an extremely “social” church so it’s kind of a see-and-be-seen…
I was hoping you’d get the reference. I still remember that cheesy music and the stills of the Colosseum and gondolas in Venice.