Technically, DeMarco Murray has no color this year. He’s been completely invisible.
Yeah, I still don’t know what to make of this in the larger context. The rates for these crimes among NFL players is lower than it is among the general population so it’s not really a problem you can link to football. I suppose I can get on board with the idea that you want the NFL to act extra-judicially…
No she’s basically saying he’s a piece of trash who treats people like shit. I know all of my human being non deity friends DEF have punched their spouse in the face and threatened to kill them. Leaving scary, enraged, threatening messages on the machine for your wife and kids to hear? NBD. Just regular people probs.
Man, I literally said in my post that I didn’t think you were doing that. I was just trying to bring another perspective. But by all means, thanks for your sensitivity.
It’s really not as complicated as you’re trying to argue. Shooting occurs, eye witnesses call 911 and are placed on hold, multiple squad cars arrive but no ambulance for at least 15 minutes, responding officers do not listen to the eye witnesses then mace crowd that gathered after the shooting.
Ah yes. Russell Wilson. The perfect black man for the white fan.
Or his team sucks this year and he can’t get in the endzone to celebrate
Um, my kid is handsome as fuck and I tell him. He is also smart and funny and kind. I also tell him when he is being an asshole (I call it bratbot) and he knows he can’t win everything. He knows he’s overweight. He knows his brain works different from other peoples *he has ASD or ass buggers as he likes to call it*…
“no one is giving an aging player four years and $50 million for coming off a single aberrationally good season.”
It’s alarming to me how many of you are saying things like, “that poor woman. It must have been very bad for her to make that choice.” C’mon y’all! This very clearly sounds like a tragic case of Munchausen by proxy. CPS most likely was investigating the family because of suspicions she was responsible for his…
this and prada’s response super rub me the wrong way; they’re teetering on mansplainy.
It’s no excuse and really none of my business but TM did have parents with issues. Some might consider his to be wah-wah-white boy issues, but neglect of a child by one or both parents can be a factor. As can too little supervision, or being forced by lack of role models to parent yourself. Or to have to parent a…
You can be what a woman wants and still not “have” her. It’s important that that is known and accepted.
Eh. From a straight guy’s perspective (full disclosure) I think that we as a society tend to oversimplify what it takes to pursue a woman romantically and what it is that they’re looking for. It’s not that simple. If it were, there’d be a lot less single men and women out there.
Yes! I feel like if you can’t have that conversation with your partner, then you aren’t actually ready to take that step.
Because using emotional blackmail to get someone to agree to spend the rest of their life with you is a greeeeeeeeaaaat way to start a marriage, right??
He’s probably Swiss.
Holy shit, this is the dumbest response I’ve ever received. Holy fucking shit.