
No, it’s not. People will always make mistakes. Some people are raised to believe pretty terrible things. Some people, unfortunately, don’t know better. Some people do know better and still do terrible things only to realize the error of their ways.

Quarter Tarantino.

Fort Hood was named for Confederate General John Bell Hood. Literally the first line of the wiki article for the fort.

Granted, I don’t spend a lot of time in western Maryland or on the Eastern Shore, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen one of these plates. Confederate flag stickers, decals, actual flags and plate covers, yes, but never a plate.

“But why do all the black kids in the cafeteria sit together?”

I fucking hate when my friends write off someone from a picture simply cause they’re not their type. How can you really know without actually meeting the person?!

If your type is “white people” regardless of your own race (a la Mindy Kaling’s TV persona) one might also label you a racist. Or at least conditioned to believe white is right.

If your “type” is your race alone... you’re a racist. By definition.

no but nobody would ever hold this view, is my point. it’s not good satire because there is no object of its mockery.

I seriously wonder who she thinks she’s satirizing.

I don’t think the stock photo hipster guy would write this. Also, “skirts?” Do jerk-men from the current era say that? I am finding this a bit too implausible even as satire.

Do you...actually know any men?

Damn, if only there was some other Media Company to take a stand against them, maybe via a personal attack on one of their executives sexual preferences.

Seems like it.

This whole article went FAR over your head.....

People’s ignorance regarding this terminology is so, so sad.

I agree that Amy is a White Feminist and most people on Jez try to act like we’re Benghazi-ing her instead of acknowledging that our criticisms are valid. But I caught this episode and I thought the monologue was pretty funny. The sketches were unbearable.

I understand why this woman is so popular with white feminists and Jezebel, she hit most of the points that resonate with them. The sketches were a lot better than that unfunny monologue, even the ones that supposedly fell flate