
Shitty false equivalence between an unbearable right-wing asshole who shuts down freeways for personal gain, and a military that rightfully requires people meet certain fitness standards.

They review hip hop all the time actually.

See what exactly? A lot of the content she’s produced has been inexcusably offensive, and she doubled down on her comments until she realized it would effect her brand. The fact that she’s winning an award for her work is tainted by that, and I’m not sure why it’s expected for POC to “be happy” for a person that has

I know right? A win for a white woman is a win for all women whether or not the content she creates has a negative or positive impact on people of color. This comment section is the definition of “white feminism” right now.

Yeah, this is what you wanted. Your comment was a call for the type of comments u didnt want. How dare anyone critize amy she can do no wrong. I know u wont reply to me because haters

I’m so glad so many white people are here to make sure that no one calls Amy out on the constant racism in her acts.

Why, dont do this dont do this. Also, people are allowed to think some of her jokes are racist. Critism doesnt equal being a hater. I like amy and think she is funny but some of her jokes are offensive. But i dont mind offensive jokes.

Who cares? She’s problematic as fuck. This in no way is a win for feminism.

“As a woman gets older, her standards evolve, and from the man’s side, the rough 1:1 movement of the red numbers versus the black implies that as he matures, the expectations of his female peers mature as well—practically year-for-year. He gets older, and their viewpoint accommodates him. The wrinkles, the nose hair,

Because he’d never talk about her that way. She’s different! <sighs until dead>

I’m noticing that Jezebel is trying to make Trevor Noah the next person to “hate” and I’m not into it. Dude didn’t say there was equal rights in Hollywood. He acknowledged that women comedians are getting shit done right now. He addressed that in HIS interview. A space where he could have talked about anything else,

Hooray now every hyper-priveledged white person can beome a ruling class Brahmin! Progress! Success! This is definitely feminism! Forging feminism through hypercapitalism one step at a time! Everyone who makes more than 700 thousand dollar a year high five me!

“Are we asking men to evaluate their biases?”

So you are saying you feel pressured to obey because some person wrote an article saying so? Jesus Christ grow a spine.

I understood the comment that it raised the bar as being “I can swipe right on these really hot guys on Tinder and hook up with them, so this is the standard of attractiveness I should be able to find in an LTR”. Of course many men (attractive or not) on Tinder just want to hook up and they aren’t looking for a

The only issue here, I think, is your use of the term “lower your standards.”

My man-hating level is currently off the charts.

You’re totally right to be pissed off because she’s calling herself a comedian. A comedian who doesn’t understand satire? A comedian whose act doesn’t have a structure? She actually calls this stand up comedy. This is not stand up comedy AT ALL. This is a youtube rant. She doesn’t even know what stand up comedy is!

Is it wrong that her misuse of the word “satire” actually pisses me off just as much as her moronic video?

That’s not even satire! She’s so fucking ignorant. It’s like when people say some ignorant shit and you point out that they’re wrong and they say “Duuuh it was sarcasm.” That’s... Not how sarcasm works?