
I think it’s because there are social and political issues around marginalization and stigma that deserved to be worked through. Like if someone said they “don’t date black people”—there’s a meaningful difference between that statement and “I don’t date men with facial hair”.

“Cis” isn’t an acronym - you don’t capitalize all the letters.

Every time Ed Sheeren comes up on this website, there are a tons of comments denigrating his looks. Why? We don’t do that to women on this website, particularly women who have expressed insecurity about their looks (as he has). He’s not a model. He’s a singer. Why do we think it’s ok to constantly put down his’s a show that heavily relies on the inherent comedy of men in drag

Let’s nip this one in the bud: filming opposing teams’ sidelines was only legal from designated areas in the stadium, and the Patriots’ tapes were filmed from outside those areas. So argue over how big a violation it was, but it was technically illegal the whole time.

My boyfriend is not personally responsible for the patriarchy and has no mandate to make up for a societal problem by treating me like a child. Frankly, paying for everything all of the time would be participation in patriarchy.

Out of curiosity, how would you feel if you went out with a guy who made less than you?

How I feel when everyone seems to be getting laid but me:

Thank you so much for updating us on this! I remember your brother’s story. Best of luck to him. He’s lucky he has you.

You are an awesome sister! Sounds like he took the first step. I get why you’d be pissed, but better in your town than the old town. Keep having his back and helping him through. It might be a while, but one day he’s gonna wake up and be so grateful for what you have done!!

It’s pretty simple. The parent with the larger income pays the child support in joint custody, equal time splits. The amount is calculated on the income derived, not what would be spent on the child.

Well yeah, this is the case for most wealthy/successful men, so no surprise.

Does a prenup supercede California’s shared property rules?

I can agree with your first paragraph. The second I would just say that while forgiveness is not be expected but if someone has truly improved and tried to make amends, continuing to try to punish them and crush them for the years old deed anyway is questionable.

A man who gets to the finals of Grand Slam tournaments is not a mediocre tennis player. And if he is, I would give my left buttock and both my elbows to be half as mediocre. A quarter as mediocre. And eighth. A microinfinitesimal.

I have no idea, and I’m a woman.

I never said they were, but if you're trying to talk about religiosity versus non-religiosity then you need to specify which religions you're comparing. Otherwise you're misleading people and ignoring people from US minority cultures, which helps nobody.

Having been raised by ultra-Christian/ultra-Liberal parents I always resent the notion that believing in God also means you don't understand science or marriage equality or vaccinations.

"Overall, not believing in God seems to make people and their offspring more tolerant. Less racist. Less sexist. Enviro-friendly."

To be fair, there actually is measurable height discrimination in hiring and wages.