
3 grand is fun weekend toy/project car all day. Anyone not voting NP has no soul.

I read that in David Attenborough’s voice...

Super, man!

Heckuva job on that new lubricant, Grismond!

Pretty sure that’s a Lambo.

Wife: They’re having a 2-for-1 happy hour special at... 

Hyperloop this mofo. SF to NYC in 22 minutes.

Easy peasy.  Next question please.

I would run down to the nearest train tracks and see if I could find a CSX heavy-duty pickup with retractable rails. It might be a longshot, but when the roads are clogged with traffic and looters, that’s the last place I want to be stuck. I could drive on the rail OR along the railbeds on the gravel. Or the roads.

The answer is always Volvo. Stately, luxurious, fast, reliable, AWD, well under budget, why wouldn’t you go with a V70R? Also, this is Jalopnik, what did you expect?

Done and done:

Why would you buy something classy like an old diesel MB then throw a bunch of PepBoys trim pieces all over it?

*Sees Florida license plate*


I see your Fuel Doctor and raise you a Fuel Shark!

There is no Dana, only Zule.

“I, Vigo, the Scourge of Carpathia, the Sorrow of Bavaria, command you to buy an Audi!”

That SUV has now seen more crawling than the average Wrangler. *zips up flame suit*

Finally, someone using their mall-crawler for a mall-crawling-adjacent activity.

Am I doing it right?