
mmm, Heinz 57 sauce is the shit.

Dipper, Morty, and Finn falling out of portals onto Mordecai and Rigby. Meta that shit.

close, but it's Lazy Susan.

Genome: y, Subject: 6
Genome: j, Subject: 10

Stee-vahn! Gar-eg!

Or an Uncle Grandpa episode. Or any other CN show.

"Mystery Girl" is S.

no more China, IL, no more ATHF, what the hell is left to watch? next they'll cancel Squidbillies…

Like every show.

Ok, grandpa. We'll all get off your lawn.

Say Uncle.

"I havent seen Adventure Time since around last year "
Oh you poor fool. What you have missed…

For the audiance of simple little human minds

From what the know of humans and possibly any sexual reproducing species Homeworld has conquered. Gems have no sexual reproduction, they inject life into minerals.

Gems are stones, they dont have sex, they dont have gender, you're trying to force them to conform to puny human concepts.


Perhapse 5000 years of humans forcing their gender stereotypes on them has influenced their pronouns.