
“I can’t imagine the horror of seeing your family member being gunned down, running away,” How did they feel about him selling drugs in a school zone

As he was listening to his Bikram yoga CD this as “great white...”

a simple trip to the er for her breathing issues due to lack of oxygen would have been better than letting her get bad then calling 911.   I would not wait until it was bad to help her.   Common Sense is dead.

My assumption would be large family in the same house, as they were all apparently there with her.

Whenever I look at that, I can’t help but think what else they could have done with the tail lights.

He’s a douchecanoe; end of story.

I’m not sure why this disappoints you.

Jizzebell is that way. —>
Tell them all about the cars, machismo, and toxic masculinity you see here. Cause we don’t care.

If these alegation are true, homegirl should have blown his shit up then and there and filed a police report. Going behind the law and trying to keep it out of the media really makes her seem like an opertunistic gold digger...not a victim.

It’s ok Matt. If you want to return... we’ll be there for you.

Not faux concern, real concern. The kind where I don’t type “LOL” when thinking about the habitability of life on Earth due to short-sighted, long-ranging impacts from human activity.

Now playing

The country has a population smaller than the Houston metro area, and has amazing oil and gas revenue that gets plowed back into it for social benefits. They’ve benefited from being an almost homogeneous society with respect to social values for decades, and it shows. That said, things are changing, and most of the

Where is the story on the black kid that ran over and killed a female cop while stealing his 20th car. Oh right, that dosen’t fit The Root’s racial agenda.

Sorry, This is The Root. Being white trumps an sort of disability or affliction he might have.

If this is a self-contained school for emotional behavior disorders, this would generally mean this kid has a pretty severe case of EBD. I have a few students with EBD (none this severe) and the impulse control just isn’t there. When something makes them mad, generally their first instinct is to violence. Hell, last

This piece served no purpose other than to whip an already polarized segment of the population in to some sort of fervor. It’s a shame that good writing like this was wasted on such blatant propaganda.

And yet this article is trolling. The man is absolutely nothing like what the author characterizes. Just watch one of his many lectures online and you will see how absurd this article is

Lol I’m from Texas and never heard of it