Max Danger

I guess it’s a good thing we like to have our conflicts in the desert ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

That N600 looks to be the one that was on Smoking Tire... If it is, it’s even cooler than it looks.

It’d make sense to kill off any crew members after their jobs were complete even if they stayed in the ship. On a two year round-trip endeavor, killing someone at the halfway point means one less year of food rations you’d have to lift into orbit at the start of the trip.

Step 1: Brand a CUV as a Mustang variant.

I was going to go with “EWWWwwww”, myself.

Agreed. I remember liking it when it originally came out. Now, in profile, it looks like a squished 90's Caravan to me.

Is it weird that I would kind of want one if it were a pedal car?

Ford does it from time to time with their Cobrajet, Chevy has their COPO Camaros.

Some do.  More than you would think really do go racing.

Continues to be the most ignorant statement on the internet.

^^ I found Will.I.Am’s Kinja handle, you guys. ^^

They didn’t do themselves any favors by styling it like a Volvo. I assumed it was a Volvo from the picture alone.

From the domain name in your link, I don’t think it’s a stretch to think that report might be a bit biased.

Random thought: Since fake engine sounds are a thing now, when are manufacturers going to start piping in fake straight-cut gearbox sounds?

They’re probably not entirely unreliable... Just less reliable than everything else.

Does it really matter if it was a puddle or if it’s eating coolant?

I dunno, that’d be kind of a weak troll since it needed one of Musk’s rockets to get into space.

I don’t know why, but I love that he keeps trying to steer the car.

I like you. For your purposes, I would get a much cheaper, and much worse replica, then spend all the money you saved on Ferrari swag.

No shit you can do it a lot cheaper... I used to have a heads/cam C5 that trapped 124 in the 1/4... But it would’ve cost at least $10,000 in additional mods to get it from 124 to 131 in the 1/4 reliably.