Max Danger

I’m totally onboard with the SUVification of vans, but they need to go whole hog with a few inches of lift and a locking 2-speed transfer case.

I get what you’re saying, but cameras watching me everywhere I go to make sure I’m being a good citizen sounds like an Orwellian dystopia I want no part of... Or pretty much present day China.

The drug sales fund Quebec freedom fighters, whose interests are aligned with the US and thus have the backing of the CIA to keep their smugglers out of jail.

Apparently so... from here it looks like she went on a hyperbolic rant instead of proposing a tangible course of action to effect change. How about you tell me what she meant?

When there’s little worth salvaging, maybe it’s time to just burn down the whole orchard and start from scratch.

You go wait for them at their Uncle Jesse’s farm. They’ll turn up there eventually.

How? The car and/or plates may be stolen so that would be a dead end.

It looks like it landed pretty straight, and stability control is pretty damn good these days... I kind of wonder if it snapped a control arm or something on the landing.

I gotta think they wouldn’t kick perfectly good EV’s off the scrap yard. I’d wager the batteries were toast, which mechanically totaled the cars.

This is clearly just Act II of an ok movie.

Yeah, CP at any price... All the teething issues of a completely new drivetrain in a body from the early 2000's, sold as a combo for one year only.

I mean, yeah... But:

If they’re anything like us, they’ve been looking for inhabitable planets and could’ve spotted Earth and sent a ship this way thousands of years ago.

Next time you get a moving violation, will you expect the police to pit-maneuver you?

I-6 Fox body?

“The only military-grade* truck on the market!”

Funny Fox News picked right up on this story. Iceland despite the quote above has identified 1675 cases with 6 fatalities. They have an amazingly low infection rate (0.4%) and an incredible fatality rate (0.001%) which may be attributable to their warm climate since our great president stated this would go away once

Street TT?

If literally one thing goes wrong—if the team needs to call for help or a tow truck, if they get stopped, if they crash—literally anything goes wrong here and these guys would be pulling resources from an otherwise already overloaded system

I mean, I suppose he could’ve been talking about the fuel pump, which probably spins at a few thousand RPM to pump fuel... But I think electric fuel pump speeds are generally pretty constant, so they wouldn’t rise or fall at a few thousand rpm/s. It’s a head scratcher.