Max Danger

Yep, drive it for a few years, no concerns about reliability as it’s under warranty, and then resell it as a “rare First Year, #879 of 4,979"

Eh, I’ve done a clutch on a C5 by myself... It’s a long, time consuming job, but nothing about it is hard (aside from maybe getting everything lined up to stab the input shaft into the clutch). I’d actually prefer it to most FWD transaxles.

With sticky tires a C5 Gran sport can be quick, let alone a Z06.

...39 year old me thinks “If I got a ZX-14, made a special single wheel trailer for hauling fuel (that had a transfer pump and line running to the tank), and had enough cocaine to keep my super awake for 30+ hours....

I don’t hate the police as much as the general commentariot does, but if there hadn’t been a body camera there you can sure as shit bet the narrative would’ve been “Ms. Jefferson refused to drop her weapon after the officer identified himself and repeatedly told her to do so”

Yeah, this is similar to the Philando Castile thing, but even more so. If you’re not breaking any laws simply possessing a gun isn’t justification for the police to fucking kill you.

Up until this comment, I thought Fat Joe was black... Maybe that’s how he got away with it?

People call it a whale tail just because it looks like a whale’s tail.... It’s absolutely a spoiler.

*cough* ahem

Is it possible to set up an LLC in Canada, then buy and register cars as property of said LLC, then put Canadian plates on them and drive them in the US?


Eh, I think a lot of that was more for dramatic effect than anything. I’d of probably done the same thing if I had to be at work on Monday. To me the silly part is:

It was a terrifying trip home, and next time, for a similar ride, I’ll probably just take the car.

Same... I had to Google it because I didn’t believe it. I couldn’t find any evidence of a GranTurismo diesel... But you could get them in the Quattroporte and the Ghibli.

This... She was a Texan in her own fucking house while somebody was snooping around outside with a flashlight. It’d be more surprising is she didn’t have a gun.

Also not indicated: The prices on literally anything than required a loan were way lower in 2010 simply because banks weren’t loaning money.

So much this. I lived out of a Mustang and a tent for about a month... It was fun, but around the 1 month mark is when you really start longing to sleep in your own bed.

The article just says “more emissions”. It doesn’t say what those emissions are... I’d wager they’re talking about CO2.

Connery just had a thing for convertibles.

The supercharged 3.8 SC’s were available with a manual... Not sure on their autocross potential though.