Max Danger

One of the worst-ever generational changes, styling wise.

I’d go NP if it had the R32 AWD... but for a FWD Jetta? CP all day. $8k is getting into used Focus ST territory.

Every other manufacturer has the courtesy to at least do a facelift every once in a while.

They’re just settling into their own personal malaise era... It’s not really fair that only America got to have one the first time around.

I LOL’d.

I’m no lawologist but, no, backing into somebody’s car and driving off without leaving a note isn’t a felony.

The question at hand: If you had a Vector, do you mod it?

“He died as he lived: Drunk, half asleep, and full of regret.”

In fairness, the ZRX1200 was a retro bike tribute to the early 80's Z1000R, so it was deliberately syled to be a very 80's looking bike.

Only those of us who try to tell others how to live.

Yeah, I’ve always been baffled why actors and athletes opinions on anything other than movies and sports carry more weight than, say, a Walmart cashier’s.

The fuck? I don’t know who Greta Thunberg is, but sailing across the Atlantic is the about the most un-snowflake like thing a person could do.  That’s right up there with alligator wrestling in my book.

Akchewawly, just before the XJ220, they had the XJR15... and waaaaay before the XJR15, they had the XJ13, which was rolling sex.

My takeaway from this comments section is that no matter what you do or while raising a kid, somebody is going to find a way to look down on you for it.

I’m giving you a star for “Zupr4".  Props to you if you came up with that, because I’m going to use it from now on.

Nissan’s not the only one that does this, but I’ll put any CVT car with paddle shifters on my list.

478 rwhp out of an LS9???

I don’t mean to tell people their jobs, and it’s sad that the state of politics has devolved to this, but the democratic party needs to put their heads together and agree on a scathing nickname to use for Trump whenever they give interviews about him.