Max Danger

I feel like this article needs a follow-up on the cost-per-mile of running a Bugatti vs an F-16 for, say, 100k miles. My initial thoughts are the F-16 is probably loads cheaper, but I don’t know what kind of service intervals they need.

Real life has already done that episode... It even used a cooler car to get more clicks.

It’s still illegal. Does the class of crime really provide a deterrent to someone intent on doing something illegal?

You’d probably have to see it to believe it, but the water that falls from the sky in Canada in January is opaque!

Not one bit. All GT cars should be front-engined. I don’t have any logic based reason to back that up, but I know it to be true.

I was going to go with “Pretty sure that’s a C8, bro.”, but I think yours works a little better.

You drove a thousand miles in NYC in a single weekend?????? How?? Why??

I mean... saying you should try to avoid a war that you know would lead to heavy casualties isn’t exactly terrible advice.


Now playing

I’ll just leave this year. This is a video of ONE lap of the course.

They’re neat for sure, but I still say there’s no way in hell anybody’s building a 10,000 hp 2300 lb electric car with today’s technology.

Looks like the big boy on that site makes 300kW and weighs 39kg, which works out to about 400hp and 85lbs in ‘Murican... Which is damn impressive, but still only 4.7 hp/lb, and still a helluva long way from the 20 hp/lb of a Top Fuel engine.

But without the camping, how will I generate compelling content for my Instagram followers?!?!?!?!?

This thing has a 3 speed borg warner transmission with a ratchet shifter and a clutch that is nearly impossible to feather.

How many hp are these 10 hp per lb motors? Size? Where can I buy one?

I love me some motorcycles, but if I’m camping I need hot coffee at the start of the day and ice cold beer at the end.

I don’t know if any of those reasons are valid. EV’s generate way less heat than an ICE, and spinning an electric motor at or near it’s max rpm is nothing like going down the road with an LS3 bouncing off it’s limiter. Also, it kind of sounds like that racing outfit started with a production car, which would have a

Not really... It’s a 700hp motor with a chassis that’s dialed in. 700+ hp ICE engines are plenty streetable nowadays. Chevy will even sell you an EPA legal one with a factory powertrain warranty.

I think you’re grossly underestimating the power density of a Top Fuel engine. According to google, current Top Fuel cars are at 10,000 hp.

That is a harsh, but 100% accurate take of the late 90's import scene*. The only way it could’ve been more spot on was if Vince would’ve had a line like “V8's are fast and all, but they’ll never match the horsepower per liter of my VEEETACK!”.