Max Danger

Fewer discounts and lower inventory means producing fewer cars. (Higher price = lower demand)


*puts thumbs under suspenders and stands up*

There aren’t. We’re a country of Walmart shopping cheapskates who book the cheapest flight possible and bitch about the baggage fees. The Concordes were money-losers for years before they were grounded.

I regret I have but one star to give.

My original post was responding to one suggesting that planes crash and trains don’t. Statistically, trains are an order of magnitude more dangerous than domestic commercial flights.

Maybe... But heart disease kills way more people than car crashes.

Germany’s population is about 30% the size of the United States, Japan is about 40%.

Yeaaaah, there’s been WAAAY more fatal passenger train crashes than commercial flights in the past couple decades.

You damn punk kids with your jazz music and 356's.

I think “absolutely criminal” is a bit much.  There’s no need to call 911 here.

They’re claiming 110 hp and all of the torques. There’s a LOT of bikes that are cheaper and faster than this zero, but I don’t think any of them would be 650 twins... at least not in a straight line.

EV’s normally carry a tax penalty when you register them, at least in Indiana... The logic being they need to gouge EV owners on their registrations since they’re not going to be paying any gas tax.

The Livewire is a middle-tier EV bike. You can buy a middle-tier Zero for around $10k. I’d still spend my money on an XSR900 instead, but the gulf isn’t THAT huge. I agree that only super duper die hard EV fans would even consider dropping $30k on a 110hp bike though.

Not really... If you needed an engine that made a shitload of power for 2 minutes, then turned itself into scrap, who else would you go to?

Damnit. It was right there.

If there’s one thing my sitcom based education on food service has taught me, it’s that the food truck industry is *fiercly* competitive. I would suspect foul play... Most likely from the owner of another food truck who serves chicken that is slightly inferior to Buck Buck’s.

As an American, I’m happy to take solace in the fact that somewhere out there is a country closer to real life Idiocracy than us.

No, that’s dumb.

I don’t disagree, but I think it’d be better to just stop using the military for imperial purposes and keep the draft in our back pocket for the off chance there’s a holy-shit-we-need-the-full-weight-of-the-United-States-right-fucking-now situation.