Max Danger

Agreed. That turn of phrase has gotten more use than it had any right to.

It’s a wrap. It comes off.

No F40 will ever die of neglect. It is literally impossible for that car to achieve a state of mechanical disrepair that would cost more to undo than what it’s worth.

That’s a man who has his priorities in proper alignment.


“Had a four off” - Had all four tires off the track

If that’s really a thing, you get the prize for most obscure.

Since distributors have gone the way of the carburetor, I’d say if it’s not obscure by now it probably will be in not too long.

I’m not in the industry and I’ve used it... I’d say “I went WOT”, or “...when you go WOT” instead of “WOT it” though.

Agreed... A Dodge Caravan can do 120 mph while hauling half a baseball team and their gear. Sure, Bugatti Chirons can do 250+ mph, but they can only haul 2 people and barely any luggage.

1) People lollygagging on green left turn arrows when there’s a big line of cars. Those lights are short, and there’s usually a long wait for them turn green again. Pay attention when the light turns and make an effort to keep up with the car in front of you! GO! GO! GO! We’re all in this together!

That’s a ridiculous car.  I want one. With a 5.9 Cummins. For reasons.

Ferrari said they’d never build an SUV in 2015, so 2022 sounds about right for a McLaren SUV.

People who rely on public favor can’t openly doubt a victim, no matter how weird the story is.

Yeeaaaaah... I’m going to go out on a limb and say he did the letters too.

If it comes out it’s staged, his three step plan will have to be:

I’m not a lawyer, but I think the Nigerian dudes *might* be able to skate by with nothing since they just beat up a guy who asked them to. I don’t know if ‘conspiracy to make a false police report’ is a thing.

Agreed.  I fancy myself a gearhead and can tell a CBR1000RR from a ZX-10R in unpainted race fairings, but I don’t know if I could could pick this out of a lineup if you covered the badges and put it next to all the other 2019 4-door hatchbacks.

Yeah... But if they weren’t stalking him specifically, that’d mean they were racist homophobes who had apparently spend enough time watching Empire to recognize a character from the show in winter gear, in the middle of the night.

I remember a time when the only things acid washed were jeans.