Max Danger
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It’s a demonstrable fact that oil is thicker when it’s cold. If you’re fine with racking your ice cold motor off the rev limiter despite what the “Experts” say... then, well, you do you.

I could understand that if we’re talking about new cars... But there’s a fair amount of Ferraris from bygone eras with gated shifters that I would do horrible things to have.

I like how at the end of the original they couldn’t handle a single truck driver with a break action shotgun.

The original comment was pretty dumb, but I’d say there is a very remote chance that death wobble played a role... which is a trait of solid front axles.

Yeah... I would’ve suggested the lowest mileage lump of Honda he could get for trade on the BMW and whatever change he had in his couch cushions.

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Well, by all means, fire it up and bounce it off the rev limiter in -20 weather... since apparently 5 minutes of idling is the equivalent of driving ~3 miles.

I think the irony is nobody would’ve noticed it if it didn’t have any camo. Only the hardest of the hardcore Morgan fans would probably know that was a previously unmanufactured body style, and boy oh boy is that a small niche of car guy.

FDS wouldn’t be spreading if it wasn’t for Trump’s policies!

It could’ve been a meteor.  If you were in a remote area it probably wouldn’t of made the news.

The only way to stop a bad guy with a hooskerdoo is a good guy with a hooskerdoo!

1:18 scale Maistos show up and throw the Hot Wheels into an existential crisis where they believe they were made in the image of the Maisto models. One of the Maisto cars crosses paths with the real life version of itself, which makes the 1:18 car question the meaning of its existence. The driver of the real life car

It’s fun!

One thing that makes Japanese extra tricky is they use different counters for different things...

It doesn’t get over 100 degrees in Siberia in the summer. It’s the huge range of temperature the rails have to work in that causes the problem, not the cold.

1. 2019 Toyota Tacoma — 62.2 percent resale value at 60 months

Twist: ‘Murican wagons started doing that many decades ago, there’s just not any proper ‘Murican wagons with rear facing seats anymore.

If I was offering advice to a past me about getting a small displacement starter bike, I’d say get a WR250X...

If I was in the market for a new, small bike for street riding, it’d be the CB300R fo’ sho’

Some places might... Most just sell the kits which, from my understanding, are only an afternoon job to swap in.

Yeah, there was a line about Spoon engines in the original F&F back in ‘01.