Max Danger

Alternative headline:

Anything’s possible, but unless you have access to a machine shop, it’d be cheaper to just buy a conversion kit.

Did you go to Fancy Medical School and get a Fancy Doctorate in Fancy Medicine? No? Well I guess it’s a good thing you’re not Fancy Kristen’s doctor.

I remember midway through the race they had a segment with Earnhardt’s car where they had a cutaway version of it to show how safe it was.

Maybe it could follow her real yacht around and be the service quarters where her waitstaff to sleep so they don’t get their poor all over her boat.

Yeah, he’s not wrong... It’s pretty much the same situation whenever a woman sexually assaults a man.

Thing to consider in winter that nobody considers:

It makes sense for airport use. I gotta think most high end sports car/exotic owners have DD’s they’d use for long term parking at the airport.

Ground clearance is nil, which means it likely doesn’t have any kind of suspension. If it isn’t multi-wheel drive with an LSD or locker of some kind, it’d be pretty useless.

I imagine a US-spec version would be uprated to our uprated needs.

You keep your fancy reading comprehension out of here! This article is on politics and I want to be angry about something!

Well... I suppose if you think rubber-on-snow is better than snow-on-snow for traction, you should mount up some slicks and let me know how that works out.  No tread = no voids for snow to build up.

I would simplify things and propose the “trag” which kind of turns your trunk into a huge bag. Similar in concept to the Aztec tent, but it wouldn’t go over any exterior body panels.

We could go round and round, but here:

This. If rubber-on-snow was better than snow-on-snow, then the best snow tires would be slicks.

-Will hold or increase in value.

Most apt gif. Take your star.

I’ve heard Esprit’s handle like they’re on rails.

I wouldn’t presume to judge the worth of anybody’s life... I might infer things about the quality a bit. I don’t know her. I don’t know how much of her is still there. I don’t know if she’s capable of joy. I don’t know if she’s in constant pain. I can’t fathom what it’d be like to go from a toddler to an adult in a

I see this fitting the niche for a family man with a smallish garage that needs to haul a dirtbike or two around every once in a while, and wants something funish to drive, by truck standards at least.