
Clutch Shiftington sounds like a background character in Speed Racer

Life tip for that Matt kid: don’t go for a journalism degree. Become an expert in something and learn to write on the side. Journalism degrees are like your Merkur’s hasty Top Gear paint job: they look nice at a distance, to people who don’t know better. Good luck getting into the most thankless industry in the

“Surprisingly Muk” hahaha. People say, “Oh, but it didn’t have any worthwhile type advantages in Gen I.” Damn it! He’s a toxic pile of sludge! Ain’t no one want a piece of that! “Its speed is too low.” Of course it is, he’s a puddle! A toxic puddle!

I’m curious about this now.. any idea how they do that? I agree btw, that little Hyundai sounds hilarious but I could see it getting annoying after a while

I dunno, I think it sounds awesome in a hilarious kind of way. The 500 Abarth sounds better, but it’s the same kind of tiny car “SURPRISE BIATCH!” kind of thing

Edit: read the story wrong at first.

yeah, I’m sure the fact that Saabs turn 99 percent of their owners into salivating swede-freak maniacs means they’re total garbage.

Standing ovation. After she died, I ended up with my grandmother’s ’96 LeSabre. Dark green. Mean as hell. Comfortable and good power. Decent fuel economy and reliable as the Mercurial day is long. The Series II is legendary but only among those who know engines. Gave mine to a friend who needed a car, when I wanted

I almost hope this Gran Turismo sucks so I won’t miss out on it. I bought a PS3 mostly just to play GT5 and I was just really disappointed. GT6 on PS3 was better, but only marginally. I hate to say it, but I’m not getting a PS4 just to get disappointed again. I’d rather spend that money on my real car.

The whole point of a CVT is supposed to be efficiency, but the paddle shifters and fake shift points ruin... the efficiency. The WHOLE reason CVTs come in Nissans is for them to break and be fixed at the dealership.

I had the 3800 in my LeSabre. Which was also Grandma’s LeSabre. Anyway, the 1996 model made good power and shuffled the car around nicely. And yes, it was very, very reliable.

How long will applications be accepted? I fit the criteria and would like to apply. Thanks!

“..violates the known laws of physics..” or, maybe it just knows them better than we do

You are absolutely correct.. but this isn’t a Honda Accord we’re talking about, it’s a bluddy Jag-yu-arrrr!

gotta have a spankerchief

If they can build something lightweight with that straight-six, maybe I can finally be free of the unhealthy TVR infatuation that’s plagued me since age 10. I’ll probably never have my Tuscan. But maybe if I just work hard enough, I can have a Jag.

I pulled my MT subscription ages ago when I found myself just not caring in general about the magazine.

In fairness, I kind of groaned when they announced LeBlanc would be on the show. They just threw him in because they thought it would attract the ’mericans.

Viva la Saap!

Poor Ford. “Go Further.” Yeah, over to the Skyline exhibit.