
It’s what used to be called “simcade” but then the super elitist hard core sim-heads got a hold of the term decided games like Gran Turismo and Forza were “simcade” which pushed games like Grid into “arcade” territory which pushed games like Need for Speed into “Extremely arcadey” territory which then pushed games

“Wow, amazing. NONE of the Citroen trucks lasted more than 3,000 miles and they all failed catastrophically! Congrats on the sabotage.”

And, with BMW eliminating dispsticks in favor of electronic level sensors in the late 2000s, the Germans have been able to turn around and play the same trick on many unsuspecting owners!

Unless this was formerly John Voight’s car, then I’ll pass.

This comment is practically fucking spam by now.

I get VW lied, but this is extremely underhanded and wrong. How can people condemn volkswagen in one breath, and salute this guy in another? He’s already going to be compensated beyond the value of his car BEFORE the scandal came into the news, and now he’s going to profit off every possible piece from his car he

Regardless of the fine print I would say this is unethical. Dont give me the but VW was unethical first because thats not a reason, thats an excuse.

What a prick. This is on par with those crybabies that try to pay their speeding tickets in pennies.

This is a bunch of blatantly unsafe horseshit. Shame on Jalopnik for even floating the idea to your readers that this should EVER be done.

Can’t he just rev the engines really hard, and let it roll forward slowly?

This is actually the exact same method I use for transporting Jeb, Bob, et al. to Duna in KSP.


The centre (center if you’re american) council sounds like some mysterious ancient order that lives between the seats.

I love mispronouncing any nameplate that could possibly pass as French:

“Engineer wouldn’t sign off due to common sense”....and that’s why you don’t need no engineer for anything involving duck tape or a similar product. Did the guy that invented the bullet resistant vest ask an engineer if shooting himself while wearing a prototype alone in the desert was a good idea? No. Did the Wright

On my car, wheel bearings and suspension components are to be inspected every 60K, but there’s no definitive replacement schedule. At 10 years old and 130K on the clock, still no need to replace either of these, and this on a car notorious for weak wheel bearings (WRX).

Leave it to the wildcard.

I personally like a good car with correctable faults and some compromises. I’ll take my 2002 Mustang GT for example. The rear end is shit, it has a stock sound system in the trunk that intentionally wastes space, and the power is comically low. But it’s a rwd V8, it’s gorgeous (despite the fake air scoops), and