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    as a NB person who uses they/them pronouns i would consider being aggressively/stubbornly misgendered following a gentle correction more akin to a slur than actual hate speech, which i understand to be a different category - i.e. misgendering makes you ignorant/an asshole but your actions are not criminal. i am

    without knowing the full context (can't watch video at work) there are compelling reasons to use trans-inclusive language in legislation. shelters, prisons and police stations can have rigidly gendered policies which can cause trans people to be harassed, humiliated or worse. (i can't think of many other situations

    It took me a long time to keep watching past the first 2 episodes. I think they do a bad job of explaining the show, they make it seem like there's gonna be some "hack of the week" procedural elements where Eliot gets to save people by interneting, but the story ends up being much more focused, and interesting, than

    I look forward to not being able to watch any of this in Canada!

    If Amazon Prime isn't an option, you could always set up a Canadian proxy and get it on Netflix. It's not hard - we do it all the time to get American Netflix, but this might be the first time in history it's gone the other way around.

    Harmon has a similar reverence/antagonism for Pratt in his podcast, I think this was just him voicing that.

    From what I've heard, kickass.to is pretty good about updating their CBB torrents, although lately it seems like you have to wait until around Sunday night.


    You should note that unlike in an open-world RPG, where you could theoretically faff around the whole time and avoid most combat situations, Persona tells a linear story and you will need to fight through dungeons to progress. The social sim stuff does a wonderful job of complementing the combat, but don't think that

    Oh. Well, I wish I saw your comment ten minutes ago, I feel silly now.

    Man, I am one stupid MRA campaign away from chopping my dick off.

    I read that part of the writeup three times because I was convinced it must have been ironic.

    As a Persona fan who could never get into Etrian Odyssey, I am digging Persona Q, so you're probably safe. Everything's comparatively simpler, and it does a good job of keeping you in the dungeons and not wasting your time managing your party at the hub. The presentation/story/etc. is just a delight.

    I've heard so many good things about this but I can't get past the premise. Where's the logic in the "fire your coworker or lose your bonus" approach? Surely it's better for the company to just decide unilaterally instead of this weird prisoner's dilemma/social experiment that's just going to leave their employees

    Oh yeah, I've got all three D'Angelo albums and I'm wondering where to go from here. Gaye seems like a good place to start; thanks for the comment!

    Can any of the classic R&B/funk fans in the crowd help educate me a little? I'm listening to this and realizing I want to get more into it, but the only classic albums in my collection are a couple Prince ones, Maggot Brain, and There's a Riot Goin' On. Not sure where to go next - open to suggestions!

    That's a great piece. Changing her iTunes genre label to "Kakakakaka!" now.

    Don't forget Janelle Monae! Electric Lady was easily my favorite of last year.

    Short answer: yes, you have!