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    Don't know if you read this, but AV Club ran an editorial a few months ago in which Sonia (RIP) provides a pretty good reading that makes Rust+Marty's survival seem like less of a cop-out. I'm still not wild about the show, but I did look more fondly on it after reading that.

    I think your problem is that you're approaching one of the most staunchly low-concept shows in years as if it was high-concept.

    I watched Mad Men stoned for the first time this year and it was absolutely transcendent. It helped that the episode in question (A Day's Work) is one of the best they've ever done, but damn.

    Six new shows in the top 10! Ten in the top 20! What a great fucking year for TV.

    I don't have much to contribute to this conversation but I REALLY want to get one of these patented kumar zingers directed at me. Give me the best you've got, yo!

    i would rather see the trailer for Zero Dark Thirteen Going on Thirty, about a precocious tween who wakes up in the body of CIA Agent Jessica Chastain, leading the bin Laden manhunt…

    it really sounds like you were arguing about LGBT representation with some GamerGate-associated folks, so a) disregard everything they said and b) never speak with any of them again.

    It's actually one of many extravagant pre-order packages available on their site @ http://www.daylightcurfew.c… You can also buy the Self-Righteousness Package for 350k, which gets you Mike and El pretending to care about an issue of your choice for 6 months, and for a cool 10mil they will stop making commercial music

    Bill Carter would be so down with that workout routine

    That's legitimately surprising! I guess he was just having an off day - nothing a good slap can't fix, anyway.

    The idea that Tony might be a one-off character never crossed my mind while watching this episode. He's being chased by angry guys with guns, and he's been given a link back to the rest of Clone Club, which seems like good setup to bring him back at some point. And there's so much dramatic potential with his character

    Someone probably beat me to this, but saying "Fargo (spoilers!)" doesn't actually stop me from being spoiled, as I now know about what should have been a mind-blowing twist.

    The A.V. Club

    Poor Oscar Isaac and Adam Driver… as great as Please Mr. Kennedy is, it could not keep them away from outer space.

    So your hypothetical voter clicks on this poll, has never heard of either show but feels invested enough to spend two hours of their life watching an episode of each to evaluate them, finds they can only watch Hannibal, and votes for it based on this knowledge - and this hypothetical voter is responsible for 80% of

    It seems silly to believe one show is going to win because it is more "accessible" than another show in an age where every episode of every show can be accessed through two clicks on The Pirate Bay.

    Game of Thrones' (nearly) 10mil Facebook fans to Hannibal's (barely) 1mil have something to say about your claims of accessibility!

    Sign me up, I love theatre with a little something for daddy.

    Reviewing your renewed call to review Review - five stars!

    Credit where credit is due: this episode was scripted by Gatiss and not Moffat, although I'm not sure how much influence Moffat has over the final product. Anyway, your criticisms seem better attributed to him than Moffat. Gatiss is one of my least favorite writers on this and Who, despite the AV Club's attempts to