And that was the appropriate response to the question. Well done, Hicks.
And that was the appropriate response to the question. Well done, Hicks.
Yeah, I’m...not happy with this. I feel as a feminist liberal I should be, but I’m not. She committed a crime. Maybe she should be moved to a woman’s prison, but I’m sorry if this sounds harsh, but I believe that prison should be a punishment.
Tony is technically still on the show....the actor plays Tony’s double, Andre DiMera. He looks like an old leather handbag left to bake and crack in the Outback sun.
It’s bad enough that Joseph Mascolo just died, now they’re talking about canceling the show???
“R. Kelly (Male Kelly) Takes the piss out of the other Kellies”
I have an idea for her daytime show:
I want to be mad about this, but now that the actor who played Stefano is dead, we can all rest assured that Marlena is safe forever and there’s no need to continue the storyline.
I thought the same thing, watching her in that clip. She looked far older than her years. It has nothing to do with her aging beauty, as I still think she was beautiful. There is a fragility in her physical body, her legs, her back, etc. that surprised me. Probably the toll that drugs, alcohol and mental illness can…
I know. I blubber up every time they show Gary Fisher and I imagine him getting up and wagging his tail hopefully that it’s his mom every time a door opens.
Carrie Fisher seems fragile here - which comes as a surprise, because in recent still imagery of her on red carpets, giving Jabba the finger, toting Gary around - she seemed so tough. I think that’s why I’m still completely deflated by her sudden death - she seemed so fucking tough.
It’s a sweet and loving gesture.
Carrie brought her mom Mac and Cheese. Why is this making me cry?
She’s treated a lot like how Serena Williams is treated. Williams has been called a man by so many people and so has Michelle. I’m wondering if it is because both women are black, strong and athletic. That racist can’t stand their mix of strength and power so they deny their womanhood.
The constant flood of Michelle Obama comments over the last 8 years really do flummox me.
i assumed she wrote dumb shit because why else would she be getting hate. i looked at those pictures and she just pull-quoted bible verses that meant a lot to her. what is wrong with that? she put a fuck ton of work into it too.
A good rule of thumb to live by: never put anything you find in Times Square inside your body.
“And if not bangable, who is the Naked Cowboy? ”
I can’t believe he makes $150K per year, and a hard NO on the sex, thank you very much.