
Its a stupid ass civic, just like: stupid ass ford focus, wrx sti, evo x, ect... These non-luxury dealerships treat these econo-shit-boxes with some fast bits like absolute rarity. ‘Oh no sir, you may not drive our super duper shitty econobox because its a lot of power and rare’. My response is usually a smile,

Fox news is a little over the top, but so are other news networks, like these commenters favorite CNN and MSNBC, I saw MSNBC grind Chicago police for about 15 minutes non-stop. So yea...most major news networks suck.

Yea, ok... you seem to know what you are talking about.

Travis, what is your take on the dude saying the musyang was going 55-60? The reporter said that the investigators think the accident happened during a gear shift. This leads me to believe he was in top of first gear shifting to second when he lost control. No way he could have been in second going to third. Any idea

Well, if that is your major issue, stop looking at these cars and buy a corolla. Problem solved.

No they don't. Audi's underrated A4 gets 30+ and the 3.0 supercharged V6 S4 gets same as the 4 cyl WRX, 28MPG while still pushing out 333hp (more like 400, they are super underrated) and weighs almost 4000 lbs.

Tavarish, as with the 540i, this is another car I truly love because of the class it represents, and as you said, it's not the fastest. It's NOT supposed to be the fastest, its supposed to be riding in luxurious style with an exhaust note of a V12. Now, although this car is low-priced, I wouldn't settle for

"Good to know there are dealerships that will do the right thing."

Just remember Nissan, the Ferrari bros will be lurking...

Forgot this lol:

Point taken, but what do you mean 'non-duty' days? Flight operations are conducted 24/7 depending on mission/weather. On the other hand, you are talking about the Air Force, so yea..ya'll take breaks and stuff cause u get too 'tired' :)

coulda, shouda, woulda. STFU. That was awesome.

As others have said, you don't know what you are talking about. Military fly-overs are a part of the recruiting budget we have. When we process the requests, unless its someone like the blue angels, we have to contact the closest unit with air assets, figure out their training schedule, cause pilots need flight hours,

yea, I clearly remember every single one. The God-damn Ferrari. I now hate their cars, their drivers, and what they stand for. So, go fuck yourself, ferari.

If you love this country stop hating on the raw power of a future classic. Yes its overrated, yes it will kill you if you even try to attempt anything stupid. Thats why, 'Murica!

Go back to driving your POS Prius, u America-hating bastard. If you live in the states maybe you should deport urself to Canada or Mexico. That is all.

Wow, 6-10% as well, I drive a 2010 Audi S4 6MT, Stage 1+ dynoed at 400 AWHP, apparently its a POS and not jalop worthy, at all.

Also, I have a few pics of what one looks like after it hit a pretty good size IED, lets just say it was a bad day for a few.

Just as you though it is a great deal selling these PoSs to YOU, people like myself, motor-t, laugh out loud. Good luck, ur going to need it while we thank God this shit is out of our motorpool so we can get better trucks that dont break on a weekly basis. You want a good truck? Buy a 7-Ton made by OshKosh, by far