Maxi Cooper ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

And they still don’t look identical. Stop trying so hard.

I'm just in a meme mood today

my favorite max nor cal is when someone just uses hella as a one word sentence. As in, “how many beers should we get?” “Hella.”

It’s really got me all...

That sounds like a really

Oklahoma was literally founded on the idea that you should be able to just take things away from Native Americans if you want it bad enough so I am not surprised.

Which 49ers DB was it?

Pictured: Case Keenum pointing to which receiver he’s going to throw to.

Guys, child slavery is really bad and I could’ve done more to fight against it, but I decided to focus on staying quiet because football.

If articles like this inspire hella more people to run on the field during boring games, it is a public service.

Yeah, but, not for free. This is the NFL, for God’s sake.

Hella is distinctly Bay Area. If you grew up there, you would say it hella often.

Your question seems to presume there’s a downside to enabling idiots on the field.

The thing that stands out the most is how many times the kid says hella. No one on the East Coast ever ever ever says that.

2/5 hellas

Because “Antonio Brown” has like 7 guitar solos and Josh Norman just bought his first Squier Stratocaster 16 months ago and he’s still learning his scales. He can do “Big Me” by Foo Fighters, though.

I will say this: I occasionally frequent a football-related website. The fan site itself might skew a little more liberal than you might expect, but what has been stunning is the amount of high-level discussion. Football fan boards are supposed to be one step removed from 4chan, and yet I’ve seen a steady, consistent

That was fantastic.

