Max Gutfeld

What a time to be dead.

Some wood buildings were also floated downriver, one of which is a house that still stands just south of Belmont West side of the river.

Just because he died "with both arms and legs flexed due to the heat." doesn't mean he wasn't wanking it when he died.

1 cupcake business

He was the waiter. Even David Spade has to make money.


So…. better or worse than the Dungeons and Dragons movie?

I didn't see the film, but I assume fans were disappointed when Goku did not spend half the film powering up for an attack?

Imagine if he couldn't eat for some reason. With those caloric needs he would become sick and collapse quickly.

Malta ain't in Italy

Not sure if someone has said this yet but I think the dogs are slit so they don't burst, as grilled dogs are wont to do.

Not anymore, now that they lost their tax incentive.

Not sure if it's intentional, but the Canadian accent adds nicely to the dorkiness of the "Price" character.

cheese flavor

"sometimes"? Try "all the time".

More of a hip-hop "Nashville"

Almost all of China's foreign reserves are in US dollars or US government bonds, so China won't be starting any wars with the US anytime soon unless they want to write off 3.6 trillion dollars of their own money.

Why did her parents name her after their Starbucks order?

For a second I thought someone was actually suggesting you go to the Taste of Chicago.

I love their morbid advertising. "Life is short, eat better pizza." Nothing sells food like reminding the public of their own mortality.