Max Gutfeld

"Chicago" style pizza is barely ever even eaten by Chicagoans. REAL Chicago style pizza is thin crust cut into squares IMHO.

It's never addressed because they all agreed to never discuss what they had done.

Hyper-reality tour? Baudrillard would have been proud.

Prediction: Gavin and Richard join forces to retake Pied Piper, a la Saleh and the Houthis in Yemen.

I'm always struck by how many subplots, some of which are almost extraneous to the plot, Mann included for characterization and effect. Like when Waingro kills a teenage prostitute, and later Hanna rushes to the scene and consoles her mother. It was never clear to me why Hanna would be called to the scene of that

He was a big part of X in the 80s, as a producer.

I guess, if you don't count being in the Melvins who are quite successful in their own right.

That makes Sense8

I think it's safe to say your comment puts you in the "went over your head" category.

It's sexist, but it's about friendship.

They really screwed up doing the sequel about Saul.

"horizontal wooden fence over your head," = pergola?

"horizontal wooden fence over your head," = pergola?

"horizontal wooden fence over your head," = pergola?

"horizontal wooden fence over your head," = pergola?

That scene from Mullholland Dr is possibly my favorite scene in cinema. It's so simple yet so mysterious and powerful. Very well constructed.

How will a group of men in skin-tight pants throwing around a ball for millions of dollars ever regain it's legitimacy!?

Yes but is there centered framing and barrel distortion?

I don't see how ratings would tell you anything, really. Ratings are calculated based on # of people watching when a show airs, plus on-demand views over the next five days. Shows never 'air' on Netflix, they are instantly available to be watched anytime. Netflix doesn't need or even want their customers to all watch

"…edges rounded off to resemble early photography." the term is vignetting, film critic bro.