
Oh they're definitely not nicer. Stress and crowds of the holidays coupled with shitty weather and having to lug kids around doth not a happy person make.

THANK YOU. Said the same thing down in the grays.

I've been thinking about this a lot lately because every news outlet is running their year rage-think-piece on the nature of Black Friday and whatnot.

Buildings themselves could sport hidden features that enable people to get physical on a whim— like, say, monkey bars for a few pull-ups on the way to work.

Super thrilled that this story is getting miles more ink than the fact it's going to be built upon the graves of slave labor.

Yeah the idea of adding an extra sub for injuries isn't new but you're right it is terribly problematic because of the potential for abuse. They've pushed for it before with games that can go to extra time, and some of the managers have been pushing for extra keeper subs because of the head injury risk. But then what

An ancient cellar full of jugs huh? Wine my ass, that's xenomorph trickery 101.

I'm more shocked that Lenny Clarke isn't dead.

Hell, it is heroic

When I ran a kitchen I always kept a bucket of pickle brine around for when I would burn my hands, it always did the trick but I'm sure it was probably super unhealthy to do it.

They dig up spiders, right?

Greg Howard took an all expense paid trip to the hyperbole and profanity factory, that tour is something to see, man.

When I was in middle school the door in my bedroom locked from the outside (had been an infant's room prior to our moving in) and my brother would constantly lock me in. After climbing out the window too many times I decided to get a key made and cut out a square of carpeting and hid the key under it so he wouldn't

Roasted unsalted peanuts are just about the perfect food, they have so much of what you need in them. Plus you can eat the shells.

Pittsburgh is absolutely full of ghost signs. I probably see a dozen or so every day on my commute.

Wow, gotta think the next page of that script includes an ode to sand given how strongly it's written.

There was a comment earlier with all of the selfies Erin has posted. Seems to have disappeared though, huh.

Well of course. There's nothing legal they can do beyond what Tim described, but it's just a question of whether they feel strong enough about it to put themselves in jeopardy. I don't know how I would handle that situation, but it's not that they can't do anything, it's that s/he didn't do anything because s/he had

Give them to my dog, watch him redecorate the house with a fine dusting of neon green fuzz.