Max Contrarian

none which related to the much hyped and fabled Russian Collusion conspiracy pushed by your type for the past 3 years.

You can agree to that right?
You know that Mueller found literally 0 in the way of Criminal Conspiracy, right?
So then why do you have to dishonestly sell meaningless process crimes / crimes not

Funny thing is, Jerry Nadler called the Clinton Impeachment “a coup”.

Profit, broadly understood as maximization of incentives, is innate.

You truly are the meconium spewing from the child product of Ayn Rand’s and Gordon Gecko’s self-obsessed fuckfest.

Nice, that was waay to real, direct and honest. Be prepared for the flurry of attacks on you and not your argument.

Oh my god, shut the fuck up. 

You won't get it. It's OK. 

You’re like a guy that goes to a TFIF’s and starts bitching because they don’t have an endless pasta bowl.

Get your waffles! Tasty tasty waffles! Served from now until November 2020!

Splinter 2017-March 2019: Impeachment is such a #Resistance grift! You can’t run on “NOT TRUMP!” Actually push for legislative action to affect change!

There is no “only correct answer”.

I’m saying it’s a shit strategy. It’s a fool’s errand. Be angry if you want. Play the tape all the way forward. The risk/reward scenario doesn’t work out. Donald Trump will not be impeached during his first term. I will bet my house on it. There isn’t time and there’s no dead body. Why even fuck around with it? The Dem

>>Guess $$$ doesn’t but basic grammar.

Why would they comply? What is the real risk? The Dems are absolutely going to descend into this quagmire. I hope everyone understands the price for this. It’s going to go nowhere and alienate the voting block they need most to win an election in 2020. Why would they do this with eighteen months before an election? If

How is Canada Mexico’s largest ally and trading partner? Mexico does as much trade with the United States as it does with about 40 Canadas.  

Typical of the toxic trolling the centrists engage in on this site.   All that does is tell me I’m saying the right things.  Thanks for the head’s up.  

Actually, the Mexican government has bent over backwards to try to make nice with Trump. The US is Mexico’s largest ally and trading partner.

Anyone offended by the idea of US service-members sitting around doing nothing all day has never actually been in the military.

...He actually makes an extremely valid point, dumbass.