You need a Kinja login to post, comment, follow. It might be more publicly visible than Facebook, what?
You need a Kinja login to post, comment, follow. It might be more publicly visible than Facebook, what?
I do, and so do millions of others.
I’m amazed that you can seriously type this without thinking it through.
What do you think the wealthy would do if you imposed this tax on their assets over 100 million? Making it basically impossible to earn significant wealth and found large corporations in the United States?
What about the incentives to build and keep wealth in a particular place?
Non answers? Brilliant.
Kinja is a closed ecosystem. If you want to discuss anything on this site, you are forced to use it. There are other ways and places to have discussions though.
No, you don’t.
asked & answered you hard-of-reading bad joke of a pretend person...
Did you not read - or even skim - the link I provided? If you want to be pedantic, fine: if you’re not on facebook and don’t have an account, maybe you’re not using it, but facebook nevertheless is “using you” - even people who’ve never used facebook have what are often referred to as “shadow profiles” - they…
You’re bored by the rapidly changing competitive landscape of global business? You deny that companies and industries can and do leave?
How are you forced to use Facebook?
Kinja next.
It’s not about destroying Facebook, it’s about breaking up many of the other services and companies they’ve bought. Warren explicitly mentions Instagram and WhatsApp.
many people do things because they like to, love to, have to (are creative by nature).
And this is pretty much the point - if the business is planning on leaving, they’re going to leave no matter what.
What reasons?
...isn’t reducing its business friendly-ness a bad thing then?
Is this the only place to have discussions about stupid shit?
Manufacturing fled America en masse. Tech is already being shipped abroad. Other industries can easily do the same.