Max Contrarian

Why would I start the next Facebook in America?

You mean like all the manufacturing we still have?

Yeah, I’m just going to heartily chuckle to myself and call your bluff. Because that isn’t going to happen.

Monopolies should be broken up. Deregulation also creates better products and prices for the consumer.

If that were true the United States wouldn’t have risen to prominance during post WWII era... because no time in US history was corporate and business regulation higher, the essential rights of the Labor movement more recognized by government and business, and wealth distribution was never more equal than during that

Using a rotary phone has literally nothing to do with efforts to drive out American business.

Uhhhh...have you not been paying attention to what’s been happening to American manufacturing and increasingly technology for the last 30 years?

If you want to change the tax code to stop businesses from avoiding taxes entirely, that is a reasonable position. If you want to prevent monopoly that is a reasonable position. If you hate large businesses and want to fuck with them for abstract reasons, this is probably bad for America.


Yeah this is a bad take from Splinter. In almost all communications it’s pretty much always better to stay focused.

Within a generation that money will be elsewhere, and the investment capital will follow.

Will Warren take his shit too?

You do realize that global standards of living are going crazily higher now that people are allowed to get wealthy, right?

The last 100 years of economics in fact says the opposite.

If the above comment is an accurate assessment of your day-to-day, why would you not be feverishly seeking an alternative?

They’re way ahead of the curve on the whole not working movement.

Get a different job.

The beauty of capitalism is that it converts greed into common interest, as opposed to socialism which fails to do the same with sloth.

Abolish work and wealth.

Warren may not have been explicit on raising the middle class’s taxes because she’s already been saying she’ll tax the shit out of the wealthy. She may not need to.