Max Cobia

I can’t wait for professional sports to be forced to adopt the same theories as what’s going on in cinema/tv. All teams must show proportionate race/gender/skill/skin-tone/height/age and get paid minimum wage in order to appease all possible complaints.

Many people came ‘looking’ for a fight and they got one. Is anyone really surprised that any of what happened....happened?

Islam sure acts a lot like the Nazis

Do other races have a right to be racist in America? Or are Whites the only race/culture allowed to be?

Black people have as much right to be racists as White people... So do Hispanics and Asians. So your assessment is correct. All racism is equal

Should all these people be killed, jailed or deported? Do they deserve to be alive or should the be persuaded to better themselves?

If everyone agrees in a tech environment it means no one is thinking. Diversity of thought, opinions and genetics is the optimum fertile ground to grow the best and most wide ranging public/consumer experience. There is zero ‘malice’ in this former employees effort.

I think cigarettes and alcohol are worse than nazis... we should ban them for how many lives these products destroy.

Should these people ever be allowed to have a job again for the rest of their life?

I think we should let the government/Apple/Samsung etc release everyone’s personal texts for the last 10 years and just let eveyone cast stones at each for everything that they’ve ever said and sent.

How did the earth get into the last ice age?

That’s why racism is impossible to extinguish. And racism is really an extension of tribalism. For the rest of eternity people will dislike each other for their own private reasons and what more people should learn is that no matter what a person says outward... you will never know who they are inside.

How do you tell the difference between a white person who is not racist and one that is privately racist?

Is there really such thing as ‘Black supremacists’ or is this just a made up attack on black culture?

Imagine how much space and jobs there would be if we could jail, deport or kill 51 million trump supporters!

The left is eating itself alive.

Should we start considering rounding up all the Americans that believe in Trump, white power, that racist flag, being a republican and stopping people from entering our country.... and deporting them, locking them up or even using massive resistance through violence?

I guess we can use your pathology on Islamic extremists as well.

Does google have the power to manipulate the consumers of its products? If it does......what stops the people who run google from doing so?