Max Cobia

Sounds like we need to add some tubing to these cows and extract one of the largest fuel sources to cook the meat with

Never going to happen. If you can’t get the entire population of the planet to agree to just turn off a light bulb for 30 seconds to save the energy... you’re not going to convert them to soy for life.

I’m curious, what is the difference between hate speech, and I don’t like you speech?

The roughly understood definition and policing of “hate speech” is thought crime.

Not surprised

Thought crime

Glad it’s not as bad as it could of been

Best article of 2017

The literal term Climate Change is irrefutable in that the earth has been going through Climate Change every trilisocond of its existance. The recent application of Climate Change over the term Global Warming is what concerns me. Climate Change can mean anything from cooling to warming and is too general to imply

Designer Jim Janarrd, started Oakley out of his car in 1975, sold it for 2.1 billion. Started Red, changed the film industry for the better.... now a holographic phone? I think the hype has a good chance to be accurate

In this day and age, are people who are not white allowed to be equally as racist and racist people who happen to be white?

You happened to forget that modern civilization in California doesn’t allow for natural fires to burn off dead growth and that this practice over 50 years has stored an immense amount of fuel for these fires. It is no surprise that these types of fires will happen more often.

How do we know that the last 3 elections weren’t totally hacked and reenginerred?

How much does Glacial decline influence global warming and these types of hurricanes?

Mix in a heavy amount of Glacial Decline

Great article on a cherished movie.

Have you ever heard of glacial decline?

Easy cowgirl,

No one can refute the term “climate change” because that is what the earth’s climate has been doing every billisecond of it’s existance. It’s when “whoever” converted the political tennis ball “Global Warming” into climate change and why....

When was Global Warming changed to “climate change” and why?