Max Cobia

A well placed and timed article during Goggle’s DiversityGate dilemma. It’s time to fire anyone who is a conservative....

If everyone agrees in a tech environment it means no one is thinking. Diversity of thought, opinions AND genetics is the optimum fertile ground to grow the best and most wide ranging public/consumer experience. There is zero ‘malice’ in this former employees effort. 

If everyone agrees in a tech environment it means no one is thinking. Diversity of thought, opinions AND genetics is the optimum fertile ground to grow the best and most wide ranging public/consumer experience. There is zero ‘malice’ in this former employees effort.

Should you feel or not feel white guilt when it comes to discussions of Diversity? exactly is it ‘Anti Diversity’ and why is the label Screed used? Is this journalism or an attempt at mind control fueled be a sense of unearned moral superiority? If you disagree then write something better and back it up with a journalistic approach because trying to virtue signal the halls of the

I love being a white male and hearing about white dudes getting jobs. Best death of 2017 is White Guilt and if you complain about what I’m writing here... that makes you the racist playing the “idendentity politics” card virtue signaling for interweb street cred.

As far as Spielberg....just give me a haunted steak, pulling one’s own face apart, and face melting antics to peak my interests...

Black people should only police black people and white people should only police white people....then Jewish people should police Jewish people.... gay people should police gay people... transgender people should only police so on.

Do black people get killed by their own more or is it just the police that kill the most black people?

“Is that Latin”

Did A white Christian cause this bombing or someone else?

Buddhists.....always the Buddhists....wait no it was the Japanese....wait no.... it was the Swiss....

I’m mad that they are using characters with gender.... in this day and age we should only use gender/color neutral characters made of clear legos so that no one is offended.

You’re so nice. I say kill the people who want to have sex with children first. Then screen for people who are most likely going to put themselves in positions to molest and fuck children... kill them or imprison them before they do... and stick with it for 30 years and watch a drop in crimes against children. I mean

The thought experiment is to offer a moral fork about how “fixable” the fiber that makes up people who are strongly attracted to the young. If it is something that is written into the person as early as childhood then what is the “correction” for all children who will grown up strongly attracted and inclined to abuse

Here’s a thought experiment.

Either the Russians “mind controlled”62 million Americans into deplorables or deplorables made up their own minds..

2016 ‘is’ Godzilla

So the Russians mind controlled 62 million American voters into hating women, immigrants, Muslims and the environment?