
Fucking Yanckon cocksuscker.

I think the weighter question is, is Tobolowsky returning as Commissioner Jarry in the Deadwood movie (setting aside whether or not that movie’s being made, they keep assuring us)?

He was also Neelix in Star Trek: Voyager.

The shot of that dollhouse floor will haunt me for a long time to come.

At the very least, Alan seems to have been in on the poisoning, what with lying to City Cop about Camille being out of the house.

Don’t tell mamma

If there weren’t only 4 episodes left, I’d be done with this series. So mysterious, so boring...

I have had that feeling too with this. And then I realized it had JJ Abrams name on it and was like “Oooooh that’s what’s going on.”

this was the first episode where my attention wandered and i opened other tabs while it unspooled.

Sissy and Melanie are, at this point, the reason I'm still watching. It felt like they're was some forward motion in this episode, I'll give them that, but overall I think it's about time we start getting some actual class as to what's going on here.

Speaking of memories, I am having an increasing number of Lost flashbacks as I watch Castle Rock.

It’s painful to watch this show so soon after having watched The Terror and more recently, Outcast season 2. Both those shows managed horror and suspense expertly by having stakes clearly defined threats that were deepened through their run. Outcast also happened to be about small town sins and the disintegration of

Why would Henry invite his son to stay in this town? He has a person staying in the garage that was found in a cage in an abandoned wing of a prison. There is a fire outside of town, his mom jumped off a bridge, this is not a place to have a happy family reunion. No semi-responsible parent would bring their kid here

I love Kim.

“That machine was almost too good,” one of the Neff managers tells Jimmy about a copier he fondly remembers. “Counterfeiters used it to make color copies of $5 bills.” Bet Jimmy’s filing that idea away for later.

I was confused by that and thought maybe they’d been introduced in a scene I’d forgotten/missed. But that was definitely a Culkin. So they really were just popping up in the background and we haven’t “met” them yet?

The reason why the subplot with Cass works is because they’ve built character development and plot momentum in just a few short portions of recent episodes. Everything else is just stalled for the most part.

I love this show because it invites you to check in with some well-realized characters and smother in their Southern Gothic misery for an hour every Sunday night.

There’s a story here, but halfway through its run the show has made it clear that the atmosphere and inhabiting Camille’s world is the draw. I’m not

Gwen Ihnat made a slight dig yesterday about Sharp Object’s slow pace but I am fully on board, even if plot points are slow to reveal themselves, given how damn well it’s made. There are so many accomplishments in building its unsettling tone, but nothing achieves those goals better than what I find to be its

Really enjoyed the photo of the warden from The Shawshank Redemption next to the late warden of this series. Now that's a fun Easter egg.