
I’m not really sure how this is going to work for them. My spouse & I share the Netflix password & she travels for work a lot, so she watches out of the house more than I do. The second we get a nastygram, account lock, or invoice from Netflix telling us to stop sharing our password, we’re out.

Every single person that I know who has quit Netflix did so because the price was too high. Funny that they can’t figure that out.

As others have noted below, those publicity shots are awful. Firstly, because most people assume what you’re showing is before/after, not after/before. But secondly, because I have watched the Godfather on a few mediums - VHS, Laserdisc, DVD, Blu Ray - and have never seen it presented the way it is shown in those

Good news, Todd, the 2001 director’s cut of Star Trek: The Motion Picture is currently being rebuilt in 4K, and will be released some time this year. And it’s going to be a whopper. Not only is the 2001 DE team remastering the added VFX shots, they’re also doing a few things they had slated but couldn’t be

Where are those screenshots from?

I’m troubled that an ostensible “writer” appears not to know what hyphens are...

We also had a black Catwoman in Halle Berry in 2004, though maybe that’s just better forgotten.

I didn’t get it either. I guess the answer is supposed to be that Boba forgot exactly what happened with the Jawas etc. It still seems like a strange choice to have the audience know the armor’s not there while the characters look for it

I think those cyberpunk modders could fit into the Star Wars universe… but it felt very odd to see them on Tattooine, a backwater desert world that’s always been depicted as grimy and run down and not as high tech. They just seemed like an idea that someone insisted had to be in this particular show.

seriously, favreau needs to get away from disney for a few years and make one more r rated movie with vince vaughn.

Such a good point.  I get he may have been delirious about the Jawa theft, but how did he think everything actually went down?  That his armor just stuck to the gooey insides of the sarlaac and he had to wriggle out of it??

No, the failure is in the writing. We don’t need “all the answers right now”, but we sure as fuck need a reason to care. Watch any good serialized show. They exist. This isn’t one of them. Good shows manage to craft compelling characters, meaningful relationships and engaging conflicts even in their first episodes,

Having cyberpunk in Star Wars feels like a hat on a hat.

BTW, why did Boba think his armor was in the Sarlacc? Does he not remember busting out of it and the Jawas taking it? I could see him not remembering the Jawas since he was only semi-conscious but does he think the Sarlacc just burped him up naked and that’s how he got out?

Black Kerrsantan has dropped the “Black” too, which I’m fine with. It’s kind of redundant. I mean Chewbacca wasn't "Chestnut Brown Chewbacca." Plus, you don’t say that to his face anymore or he’ll rip your arms off.

It’s not a horrible show but it still hasn’t really justified its existence yet.

Before this episode I would have thought he spent a week to a month with the Tuskens and even that would’ve been pushing it. 

The timeline here confused me. I’d assumed the flashbacks took place right after RotJ, which is five years before The Mandalorian, but they caught up very quickly.

This continues to be such a weird show to me as I do like it, yet every episode I’m kind of taken back by the incredible dumb narrative choices it makes.

Because the new trilogy sucked Bantha balls?