
The purple aura is Myle Appearance’s (my photographer) trademark. He’s actually color blind and doesn’t realize it. In the beginning I kept telling him to fix his shots. But then, after a while, I figured, hey, what the hell, it’s his style, and people like it. But thanks for your catch!

First of all, did I say I was a motorist? (I’m not. I ride public transit or walk most everywhere). And second, it’s ANGELS, not ANGLES.

I didn’t say anything about banning cars. Don’t put words in my mouth.

... and you’re still missing the best bit entirely; holding the clutch bite point, on a hill, with a wanker half a meter behind you.

If you stalled a vehicle with Stop-Start that did not have Stall Recovery (like the one mentioned in the last section), you’d have to put the car in neutral, then depress the clutch, then the engine would fire, and then you could go back into gear and be on your merry way.

The craziest thing to me is that this aesthetic reminds me of extreme poverty. When I think of homeless people or some of the people who live in the Brazilian favelas, that’s the kind of stuff they wear (because they can’t afford clothing and take donations and whatnot). And then this dude comes in and launches this

Having grown up in a Farmall/International Harvester family, I approve this whole thread. (My dad and my step mother below).

I was thinking the same thing. Then I read yours and I think I can meet you half way.

Margaret Atwood was on point when she said,

I have no brand loyalty whatsoever. I can’t stand Ford/Chevy/Dodge bickering. I buy whatever looks, performs, and reviews well at that moment. That’s why I bought the new Mazda3 hatch almost exactly 2 years ago. It was the best economoy car at the time.
*Edit: I was so this close to buying a Focus.

nooooooooo makeit go the other way

I like “pro-forced birth,” personally, or “anti-woman.” “Anti-choice” really doesn’t get to the horror of what these people are supporting.

are they not 2 different generation cars, not one a facelift of the other?

You know who should be setting speed limits? The engineers responsible for designing the roads in the first fucking place. Not some politician trying to make things seem good and nice and safe. Trust the people actually involved int he science of making a road safe.

WTF. Kat is one of the best contributors on Jalopnik, much more informative and easier to read than the buffoon DeMuro.

But Kat is an American, indeed a Texan (The America of America). And is no longer stuck doing weekends (I have no idea if weekend writing is a bad deal).

We do embargoes for drive events, we do not do embargoes for product info before an auto show.